I cannot remove the driver of the FIREFLIES ROT66 II flashlight. Help me please

I do use falcon 530. But it’s too strong to remove.

Have you unsoldered the wires from the MCPCB?
Also, it has some screws in the top, maybe that can help you solving the problem.

Thank you for your support. I removed it. I don’t understand why I cannot remove the driver. Even with a specialized pliers I can’t make this copper piece rotate

Hum , and did you press it from the top?
I am afraid that trying to rotate it may damage some components because of the “inner” protuding part created by the tripod mount hole.

Maybe pressing it from the top can be a better option?
I never tried to dismantle mine, so I am just guessing :zipper_mouth_face:

Thank you very much. Maybe I will follow your advice. Previously I was afraid that if I pressed down from above I would pierce some chips

You still have to be careful, but try to use something smooth (a toothpick or something alike, not very strong & pointy).

Given the “architecture” of the head (swicth hole on one side and tripod mount on the other) I am not sure it would rotate well.

I hope you manage to do it. Let us know then :+1:

Yes. I would love to see how the circuit is done by Lexel. I’m his fan. The AUX circuit is very beautiful

In case this helps :wink:

I guess it was for the 1st ROT 66 version, but even so :slight_smile:

Thank you. I watched it a few hours ago. I wonder if it’s not soldered to the lamp. But it’s so sure I can’t do anything about it

Well, maybe this thread can help then: Fireflies ROT66, Born for fans of flashlight

I have followed this post. You can see scratches on my lights. But it didn’t work. Hope Lexel will accidentally pass through here. I don’t know what to say but the 3 words you are special. Thank you very much. I know you spent a lot of time figuring out how to help me.

Oh man… I am not sure I can help you more on this then! Nothing special, it is BLF spirit! :wink:
Lexel has been away for a while now (I hope he is well…) but maybe when he returns he can help you on this!
Meanwhile, try slow pressure from the top, it may have some glue, I don’t know!

Yes, thank you so much my friend

Mine has similar scratches and damage mark from trying to pry out the retaining ring :laughing:

The head needs to be heated to 100°C to soften the glue on the retaining ring. Fireflies ROT66 Flashlight - #931 by Lexel

Thank you. I will try it

Thanks everyone. I removed it. The driver is glued with glue. I used a hairdryer and heated the lamp head to a temperature of more than 80 degrees Celsius.

Nice tip flightless22 :wink:
Glad you managed to open it vietnamreviews :partying_face:

Thank you for sharing this tip.