I could fry eggs on my Imalent DT70!

I have been trying out my newly acquired Imalent DT70 lately.

It certainly puts out a LOT of lumens.

The feel of the case is a bit slippery to me similar to some recent Acebeam lights.

I have an Olight X7 and Meteor M43 to compare this light to that are roughly similar lights.

They run a fair bit cooler than the DT70.

The DT70 also gets to that hot point a lot quicker than the others.

I reckon I could nearly fry eggs on this light.

I also have the TK75vnQ70 from vinh that runs at about 15,000 lumens just for fun to compare the DT70 to.

That one runs really cool and I think that I would rather carry the heavier modded TK75 around than put up with the heat that the DT70 quickly developes.

The display is rather small to read and only good in my opinion for giving me an idea of where the battery voltage is at.

If I knew just how hot the DT70 got I would not have bought it.

Has anyone else got any views on this light?

“Has anyone else got any views on this light?”

Yes. I have been looking to acquire a light to follow up on the TK75vnQ70 that I love so much. So far, not an X7, not a DT70, not an RC40. Even though I have thoroughly read any and all that I could find on these and other lights on English and foreign language forums. Even though all three of these are nice lights that would be welcome additions to my collection. But, my current plan for another light to complement my TK75vnQ70 is….


is another TK75vnQ70. Yes, I am ordering additional second copies of my four top most-used go-to favorites. When I am done with that, I will continue with additional new stuff. DT70 and DT35 are on my Possible list.

well, because of battery configuration, i guess it must be very hot on turbo, 40A as i remember

I disagree; battery configuration has nothing to do with it. It’s the +/- 12000 lumens from 4 XHP70 leds coupled with not much heat sinking (low weight of light) that causes rapid temperature increase.

yes, it is, due to low voltage, the current must be very high
and P_heat=I^2*R

Hey mrheosuper, here’s my input.

Of course P = (I^2)*R is applicable, but one can wonder how it is applicable. The total amp draw is 40A in 4P configuration - which is four times higher than in 4S configuration - resulting in a 16x higher electrical loss (=heat), but this fact itself does not display what is going on.

I’m going to do an efficiency calculation, but this is at first a ball park calculation, as I don’t have all the required exact data. But you should get a good idea. And of course, there may be mistakes in what I’m calculating and reasoning, so feel free to object and discuss!

From what is written, the DT70 seems to be putting out about 12000 OTF lumens or so. With an efficiency (estimate) of 85% from led lumens to OTF, this means the amount of led lumens is about 14100 lumens. A single emitter is then putting out about 3500 lumens. We do not know the output bin, but according to: https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7567/16071892179_7d89411e10_o.jpg the led produces 3500 lumens with 4.5A at 6.5V. This means the required power is about 30W (=4.5*6.5) per led. So for 12000 lumens OTF, the four leds require 120W.

The total amp draw as you stated (I believe it can be found somewhere on the internet) is 40A. What we don’t know is at voltage this amp draw occurs. Assuming it’s from fresh cells, and with some voltage sag, I’d say let’s take 4V, meaning the power input to the driver (from the 4P cells) is 160W (=40A*4V).

We just happen to have nice rounded figures; the leds need 120W, and power input is 160W, meaning efficiency is 120/160 = 0.75 = 75%.

Again, this is just a ball park calculation as we don’t have more accurate data. Nevertheless it show that a large part of the total power, 75, is going to the leds. Haven’t searched intensively, but about 30 of this power is turned into light, so the remaining 70% is turned into heat. This means that of the 120W for the four leds, 84W (=70%) is generating heat. This means that of the total 160W power input, about half of this (=84W) is heat generated by the four leds.

The driver on the other hand produces 40W of heat (=160W-120W). So with a total power input of 160W (=40A at 4V) from the four cells, only 36W (=30% of 120W) is turned into light, and the rest is heat. The total wasted power turned into heat is therefore 124W (=160W-36W), and 84W of this is from the leds, and the remaining 40W is from the driver.

Conclusion: roughly 2/3 of the heat is generated from the leds and 1/3 from the boost driver. Of course with a driver for a 4S cell configuration, you will not get an efficiency of 100%, and heat will be produced as well, but less than with a boost driver for 4P configuration. Therefore a large part of the heat is generated from the leds, and to a much lesser extent from the driver as a result of a 4P configuration.

One can then wonder where the equation P = (I^2)*R is applicable. The Vf of the four leds remain identical of course regardless of driver type, but the difference in power loss, 4P vs 4S due to electrical resistance is applicable on the driver input side that is operating at the given low voltage of 3-4.2V. There is a total effective R value resulting in a power loss P = (I^2)*R, however, this value as calculated above is much smaller than the total heat generated by the leds.


Edit: included in the 40W is also the electrical losses of the path between cells and driver.

I have recently bought the Imalent DT70.

The main problem is the fast rise in heat the body produces.

I cannot hold it very well at all after a couple of minutes!

I have the X7 and the Meteor M38 and they do not get this hot.

The TKvnQ70 that I have never gets as hot as any of the others.

You have been warned.

first: as i remember, boost driver has lower efficiency than Buck driver, so there will be more heat
second: the tube, spring, have its own resistance, high current will produce more heat
that what’s i learn at school

To my knowledge boost drivers do have a lower efficiency than buck drivers, but as reasoned above, this is not the primary cause of heat.
And of course it is also true that the tube and springs have their own resistance, and losses are quadratic with current to produce more heat. But for the same reason, these losses are not the main contributors of the total heat generated.