I need a Tmart coupon

I’ve been talking myself into buying a TangsFire 3XU2 from Tmart and I need a coupon code. Any kind of coupon code. I just need a little something to justify the purchase.


you can ask fasttech to price match tmart, and they have a blf code you can use (not sure if you can do both)

I was thinking Tmart because they have it in stock in their US warehouse. China is on holidays and the mail will be backed up for a while.

I used coupon code ‘FL33’ for 10% discount for the purchase of my Tangsfire C8 few weeks ago :slight_smile:

Go to the T-Mart home page and play the Valentine’s game, you can win up to $8.

PM sent

Looking for coupon as well, trying to get the TangsFire C8. Thanks in advance.

I have 5% off $1 min. and a couple of $3 off $30 min. (They exp. 1/31.) Are you making a $30 order?

Same here, PM me if you want either.

did either of you get the $8 coupon?

I got a new high score...

but no $8 coupon! J)

It’s funny. People spend 200$ on a flashlight, and then the reason for not buying a 30$ item is because they get no discount :smiley:

raccoons aren't rich like people are. We only spend about $30 on a flashlight. And not many of us know how to read, write, or send money electronically over the internet. :p

I ordered the light. I didn’t find any coupons that worked, but it had some Tmart points. I just know this light will probably go on sale in the next week. It never fails.

The Tmart US warehouse is in New Jersey…just a quick hop to Jamaica, NY, where it will be sent by truck to Toronto Gateway post office. I should receive it “tout de suite”.

Haha, thanks guys, sometimes buying something is not only about the price. Or its price relative to something else. In that logic, if someone buy 0.5million home(not me, let make that clear), then he should have no problem spending 1K on a flashlight. Someone else buying is as much about the emotion victory when you got a deal, well at least when one is bored. :party:

i had 5400 points about 10 mins after the deleted thread was posted, still no coupon

i’ll never understand the point of pissing off people while thinking it will somehow work in your favour

I didn't score high enough for the $8 coupon, out of practice playing video games and my computer is too busy for quality game play. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

The coupon didn't work?

Too late I guess, but just got this in a TMART email this morning, just now:

Coupon Code: THXYOU ($3 off orders over $30)
Expires Date: Jan 31st