I think I'm addicted to Convoy thrower flashlights.

First I got the Convoy S16, and it was very good.

Then I got the Convoy M21A, and it was better.

Now, I just ordered the Convoy M21C because I'm hoping I'll like it even more.

That's three flashlights in less than a year, which seems a bit excessive for just an EDC.

I can afford it, and I love having excellent flashlights, but I think I'm addicted.

Ohhh…he hasn’t tried the L21B yet! I’ll say no more. :smiling_imp:

Lol. I just ordered my first 6 convoys. Have a off brand c8+ with osram that I like

Dang Racoon —— Only took you 13 yrs to get addicted to lights :smiley:

you skipped M21B! :open_mouth:

I have something to confess...

I never learned my ABC's!

If 3 flashlights in a year is addiction… what would we poor out of control meatheads that buy several at a time many times a year be called??? :person_facepalming:

Probably totally obsessed & in need of a Professional Forced Intervention…. :disguised_face: :smiley:

That’s my Category —- In need of a Intervention :smiling_imp:

Whatcha doing with them thar throwers?

I can definitely relate!!!
I have done better the last several months… but the damage had already heen done. :person_facepalming: :money_mouth_face: :person_facepalming:

I EDC them, but just one at a time.

I think that throwers are more useful than flooders because I can see both far away and close up with a thrower.

I'm usually too lazy to sell my stuff that I don't use, so I just keep on acquiring more stuff.

I think that You must try L21B because You like throwers.

You can’t say you’ve got a Convoy thrower until you’ve got an L7, hard to EDC though…. :smiley:

I keep on getting larger and larger throwers...

Maybe someday I'll graduate to the Convoy L-series?

Again, the one you need is the L21B.

I’m tempted by the l21b too. M21d just looks a little bit sexyer.
May go for a l7 or 8 in sbt90

I also really like small “pocket throwers”. This one looks like a perfect edc! https://wurkkos.com/products/wurkkos-new-ts11-rechargeable-18350-edc-flashlight-sft40-powerful-2000lm-with-powerbank-anduril-20-ui?VariantsId=10592

L21 with Osram. Can’t beat it for the size.

I like convoy too. I’m happy that they haven’t jumped on the inbuilt charger craze. I just wish they used forward clicky tail switch (for momentary on) and side switch like the sofirn c8g and c8L. I realise that’s just me though and that they can’t satisfy everyone. Having just a tail switch is more simple and therefore more robust.