If 3 flashlights in a year is addiction… what would we poor out of control meatheads that buy several at a time many times a year be called??? :person_facepalming:
Probably totally obsessed & in need of a Professional Forced Intervention…. :disguised_face:
I can definitely relate!!!
I have done better the last several months… but the damage had already heen done. :person_facepalming: :money_mouth_face: :person_facepalming:
I like convoy too. I’m happy that they haven’t jumped on the inbuilt charger craze. I just wish they used forward clicky tail switch (for momentary on) and side switch like the sofirn c8g and c8L. I realise that’s just me though and that they can’t satisfy everyone. Having just a tail switch is more simple and therefore more robust.