I recently received a new SC52 from Illumination Supply but it is sold through Amazon.com
After going through the paces it seems there is a mode missing in the MEDIUM sub-levels.
When going in to program after the six double clicks, there is only M1 to choose . No M2 exists. There is only MEDIUM and M1.
The High and Low sub-levels work perfectly.
Do I have a defective sc52? I’m beginning to think so.
Turn it onto M1 then just press 14 times and it will change, that’s how mine works. It’s then just off and on and it’s set to 50lm - 25lm or 50lm - 12lm.
I’d just keep pressing on mode M to see if you get any change.
It might be your battery not giving enough power, stupid Q, but have you tried other batteries ?.
Yes, I’ve tried everything. To me, it seems the programming is defective coz it doesn’t include M2. It just alternates between Medium & M1. It’s missing the M2 mode.
yeh, I’ll send it back. I know its not my error in working it as Hi and Low work as they should with all respective levels available. Just that dam Medium mode is FUBAR.
Bear in mind that you will only ever be switching between two modes, even when in programming mode.
The sequence when starting in the M2 25 lumen mode 25 - 50 - 25 - 50 - 25 - 50 - 12 - 25 - 12 - 25 etc, once in programming only cycling between the two optional sub-levels and leaving M1 out of the cycle. As the med level options are quite similar in output this could give the impression of only cycling between the two same levels throughout.
Agreed. But after 12 clicks… it only toggles between 25 and 50 and never seems to be able to enter the programming mode, therefore The 12 lumen option can not be accessed.
This one is going back. It IS Defective. I already have the prepaid shipping label.
I never mentioned the “green” tint this particular one has. I knew it was a lottery and I lost on both counts. The forums were full of complaints of the green-issue in both emitters by the way… cool and white!!
’I’m not seeking a replacement as I’m tired of the green/yellow tint lottery. Not worth it. I’ll wait til something better comes along from Zebralight.
I really like the light for all its merits and WILL have another when the emitters are cleaned up. I can wait.