I want to get a beater light, suggestions? (aka daily user light)

ok I have a bc40, and a few other lights, but they are shelf queens and I don’t think I will ever use them for rough use. So, i need a beater light that I wont mind breaking or tossing around a bit. would like to have a x2 18650 setup, a few modes, and U2 or T6 preferred, any suggestions? I would say under 30 is where i am aiming for $$

Thrower or flooder?

it will be general purpose, so a combo of flood and throw

This is a great all purpose light and very bright. One 18650 but still puts out over 800 otf lumens.


Whenever I hear all-around beam I think of the C8 style ...

….with OP reflector.

I have to say I just put a xml U2 in a C8 and has good throw and bright spill therefore all around would definitely be the description.

Edit - like jack said OP reflector would be dang near perfect all around everything!

I say use the BC40. You’ll love it more beating it up than leaving it on the shelf. It has a reputation as a really tough light. Seems perfect!

thanks for the suggestions, about the C8, how is the battery life? does it have low voltage protection built in? what about a wf 502b? it has a pocket clip which seems useful, also from pics I see it looks like a p60 host, is this correct?

In the US, Rayovac sells the “Indestructible” line of lights which are very heavy duty and come in a variety of battery configs. 3aaa/2aa/3c/2d

If you want a true “beater”, go for the old-school 5D Mag. You can beat people, pets, trees, nails or yourself with it. :wink:

i actually want a 6D mag XD. but that would be sometime in the future, haha

Since you asked about a P60 host, the 502 specifically, I would recommend a Solarforce L2P and either the Manafont XML, 3 mode drop-in or the new Solarforce XML, 3 mode drop-in. However, it is a flood light at a distance. It is compact enough that you can EDC, not owning a C8 I am not sure if it is something that is a reasonable EDC.

I actually prefer my P60 host (fake Solarforce L2 from Lightake) with Manafont's Ultrafire XM-L drop-in for general use. I like that it's floodier than my C8's. I also have a Rayovac 3AAA "Sportsman Extreme" with 2 modes hi/lo with excellent runtime and very durable which I used to use a lot. Only downside is the tint on mine is slightly green (though I didn't notice this until I had lights to compare it to).


I don’t have a C8 but they look kind of big. For me I think something like the L2M is a brilliant general purpose light. In 18650 format it has long run time but still fits in your pocket. Remember a L2M is shorter than a Mini MagLite, just a little chunkier.

I’ve been running mine with both the new Solarforce XM-L U2 drop in and the Ultrafire XM-L T6. It might not be a thrower, but in fairness it actually has pretty good beam distance on it, so is fully capable out in the open as well as in doors around the house.

For example I have an EagleTac D25LC2 Mini which uses an XP-G S2 and it throws really well for its size. But the L2M still out throws it despite being an XM-L.

I also like the fact you can run the L2M in shorty mode on 1xRCR. This is my current preferred setup and it really makes it a pocket rocket, albeit with reduced run times.

C8’s are actually pretty tiny, I was suprised how small when I got it, it certainly disappear’s into an overall pocket. A keygos m10 is similarly pretty small when you get down to it.

Yeah neither of them are AAA edc lights but they are usefully sized. I use my c8 in a headstrap as a headlight under vehicles to give an idea.

Think that maybe I need to sample one in that case.

Curious, what exactly does “C8” mean though?

Ultrafire did a series, c1, c2, c8 c12 etc. Think its just model designations.

does the solarforce some with a pocket clip?

Jerry,the solarforce clip is a seperate item,but it can be bought and put on the light.I highly reccomend a solarforce host and a nice drop in of your choice.You can beat the snot out of a solarforce with no worries.