I tend to agree, those are big lights. Back then you had no choice if you wanted some amount of light, now a 18650 tube is more then enough in most situations and much smaller to store, carry and handle. Still 3000+ lumens is nice to have, but who really needs it? Whenever i need a light to go out at night or check something in a dark corner i always chose something smaller. One of my L6 is in my car door and i wish i will never need it. The S70 gathers dust somewhere in the house, just in case. It’s fun to show them off once in while and i’m glad to have them anyway.
Personally I’d hold off and wait for a little bit, reason being the new XHP70.2 will soon be all the big deal mainly meaning the issues seem to have been resolved like smooth reflectors and doughnut holes all related to the dies, anyhow a very respected member and vendor here recently tested the new XHP50.2 in a smooth C8 no mods at all and it was amazing he said as far as throw and the likes, so expecting the same results from the 70.2’s So just a thought about what is current and what will soon be available and cause many of us to be doing a lot of LED swaps most likely.
The jury is still out whether the new xhp70.2 are an improvement or not. Some say the coloring is worse than the current model. We shall have to wait and see.
A member has posted that if you are a new Aliexpress member you can get the S70s for $30 wow
4000 lumen XHP70 for $30 :+1:
Whether it is $38, $37 or $30, depending on which deal you get, a good quality XHP70 emitter, 4000 lumen light for under $40 is an absolutely fantastic deal
Yes the L6 is also a very nice light but will cost you about $20-$25 more.
If the OP waits till the XHP70.2 comes out then why not wait till the XHP70.3 or whatever the next high performance emitter will be.
Emitter upgrades are pretty non stop & ever evolving so there will always be a newest best emitter around the corner if you wait.
Pull the trigger :+1:
I don”t think that we are going to see a 4000 lumen XHP70 light any cheaper than the deals available on the S70s any time soon :+1:
Hey Mike, I also have a K40M with a resistor mod, and bypassed springs, dome on. I will give you my measurements comparing the K40M to my modded L-6 with an N4-1C (I believe) emitter. On the L-6, I jumped the resistors, shaved the emitter dome, and adjusted the reflector focus.
Lumens measured in my sphere (made by Josh K). With fully charged cells, around 5-10 seconds after turn-on.
L-6 = 5150
K40M = 5460
Lux measured on my Extech @ 5 meters
L-6 = 116 kcd
K40M = 100 kcd
Comparing hotspots on a white wall @ 5 meters. The L-6 is definitely more diffuse ( I’m sure due to the OP reflector). One other notable point is light color. The MTG2 is a very nice, creamy white, where the XHP70 showed some green. I had not noticed this in use, but it became evident when side by side with the MTG2, on a white wall.
Thanks scotlarock.
You convinced me, that staying with k40m was good decision.
Mine is resistor modded, springs bypassed too. Circa 7A into mt-g2.
Killer light.
How far were you along in the check out process? Did the Seller’s coupon box appear? Try to check out until the very last step where you click an order. (I cannot do the checkout process myself being not a New Aliexpress customer.)
Wise words, especially if you actually need the new flashlight. This is like PCs in the '90s and cell phones today. Sooner or later, you have to just bite the bullet, and buy.
@ Jason, Mike certainly could do the swap you suggest but, I don’t think he would be very happy with the donut hole he would have from the K40M’s big, smooth, reflector.
Mike, you’re welcome for the info.
Side note; While I had the L-6 out for testing, I decided to try a few more free mods on it.
Removed the factory spring bypasses (which looked to be 24-26ga wire) and added my own 20ga bypass on the driver. Then I di a thru-hole (Dale’s secret) 18ga bypass on the switch.
I then removed the very small wire jumper I had across the sense resistors, and removed the resistors themselves. I soldered a small piece of copper braid across the resistor pads to make a solid blob.
After the latest round of mods the L-6 now matches the lumen output of the modded K40M, and has 25 percent more throw, for under $50! I paid around $80 for my K40M (on sale) and always thought it was a very underrated light here on the forum.