I3s will not turn on

My I3s would occasionaly turn on only if I tightened it real tight, but now…. nothing.
What I have tried -
Cleaning the end of the tube and contacts on the head with isopropyl.
Verified 1.3V between + terminal (on aaa) and battery tube. (battery in tube, but head detatched)
Put a 1mm disc magnet on - terminal on battery ( to see if the spring has compressed over time)
Used the battery in another light to verify it is ok.
Tried with oring removed to see if it was somehow not letting it tighten.

I have not put 1.3V directly to the head yet, Need to find some wire.

This light is a new warranty replacement from olight, I have had it for about a year. My original light was sent back under warranty due to identical faults, it was replaced not repaired.

I’m out of ideas, I think its a connection issue which I may be able to prove when I test the head.

Any thoughts?

Alkaleak take a dump inside the tube by any chance?

Not at all familiar with the light, but my Odepro has a rubber O-ring at the negative end, and what looks like a lockwasher underneath it. Tightening the head squishes the ring so that the negative end of the cell makes contact with the “lockwasher”, biting into it and the bottom of the tube to make contact.

After a hateful little alkaleak did what they all do best, I had to dissolve with AcOH, drill, spin with steel-wool, anything/everything I could do to try to fix it, and it still wouldn’t go. Direct contact to the head worked fine, but it was the “switch” part that was and still is wonky.

So yeah, check the head first so you can rule out at least one thing and concentrate on the others.

Update - I coated the - terminal in the head with solder, and it worked…. Then I tried to tidy it up, overheated it and killed it. I dissembled the pill and saw that I melted the solder inside shorting out bits and pieces.

RIP little torch, time for a new one, with a nicer tint.