The lads and lasses at work have texted the Mrs for ideas for a gift/keepsake for me (budget is £100 / $130 or so)
Some friends have already suggested a hip flask, a sharpener, some extremely fancy slippers (?), a nice book, clothing or a weekend break somewhere but none of these appeal.
I’m not necessarily looking for a torch or knife or watch as I simply have enough of these (well, maybe a Carbon Fibre full flat grind Enzo PK70…. but could do with some suggestions please.
I know this is entirely subjective but would appreciate your help.
What will you be doing after you retired? Fishing, Boating, camping, hiking, traveling, or fix up the house? This will give us some ideas what to suggest.
If you are into ham radio something in that area would be good. Alternatively anything towards travel or a trip is always nice? Do you like cars and would you need anything for it?
Not sure what you do and enjoy, but for me, it would likely be some fishing gear. I fish a lot, but mostly shop clearance/budget priced gear. A nice Shimano (or Penn for saltwater) would be a very welcome gift for myself. Probably not as helpful for you since you don’t have outdoor hobbies, but it’s never too late to start.
Tools are always nice… A rechargeable DeWalt or similar drill/driver set would be good. Retired, you might see a lot more around the house that needs fixed/tightened/upgraded/repaired/remodeled/replaced…
Slippers??? I never wear the things.
About four cases of low-carb Monster would make my day… :partying_face:
I knew a guy who when he retired said if He could wear a new pair of socks every day for a year he would feel like a rich man. We all pitched in and got him 365 pairs of socks
You’re gonna be a young & fresh dad once again ( the lad coming on December is the 3rd kid in total - right? ), how come you go already in retirement ? :sunglasses:
Since you like walking your Collies and you’re gonna have 2 young children, I guess a pair or two of good/comfortable/relaxing walking/running shoes is something you really need (I can’t suggest any as I’m not a shoe expert).
It’s not a perfect idea as a retirement gift (shoes don’t last for ever as a good flashlight/knive would), but I’m sure it’s very practical.