If you want 1000 batteries at a discount just buy this from Tesla!

Assuming it will be made of 1000 x 18650 cells whihc are used in the model S and future Model X and Model 3


Ive got mine installed in the kitchen..

anyone interested in buying a new kitchen?

made of eneloops or 18650s?

hmmm you should ask one of the sellers that post here!

I got a good deal through them... can`t remember who it was,

but the kitchen was delivered in a padded envelope.....

it was well protected..

also, the envelope was yellow! maybe that clarifies the exact dealer..

they all use different colors, you know!

The post you just posted!

why are you having a conversation with yourself on BLF?

Wait. No free shipping?
That’s it. I’m out of this group buy. :bigsmile:

You might be able to drive to the local dealership and buy them which means instantaneous “shipping”