This thing looks ridiculous and I low key want one lol
I could have used that 45 years ago when I worked at a disco as a button pusher. I hope it has a random scrolling stobe mode.
Honestly I have no idea what I’d do with it. If it were $10 cheaper I think I’d buy it for the hell of it
I bought one last month. It’s kinda big and heavy, but the magnet works well. The UI is kinda weird, the auto-lock annoys the crap out of me. Kinda defeats having straight to moonlight mode. Wish I could it off. Can’t change the RGB brightness.
Thanks for the first impressions! I think the inability to change RGB brightness is a deal-breaker for me.
I really like it, bar some of its shortcomings mentioned above. Sofirn are generally pretty good at listening to feedback and changing stuff in future runs. With some tweaks it could be an ideal solution to a problem I don’t actually have.
21700 is overkill, 18650 would make it more attractive size wise, and I can definitely live without the powerbank feature. Flashlights, portable and pocketable ones, don’t need to be able to charge a phone, though I suppose it’s a useful feature in the 4x18650 LT1 that hangs in a tent or on the table in a power outage. Even then, I still tend to use an Anker powerbank so I can move my light source without unplugging a cable.
Having waffled all that BS, I haven’t managed to convince myself I don’t ‘need’ one.