IlluminationSupply US Battery Source: Li-ion, High Discharge / IMR (7/3)

List updated: 7/3/14

Prices displayed are after coupon code "Illumination" (if applicable) and before shipping or taxes. ("Illumination" applies to most batteries, chargers, and flashlights for 15% off.)

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Kinoko IMR High Discharge

KeepPower Batteries

Efest IMR Batteries

V1 is flat top, V2 is button top

4.35V Batteries

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Your 18650 KeepPower 2600mAh Samsung ICR18650-26F Protected Button Top links to a picture.

All better now. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the listings.

I noticed that after I posted, it's late in California. Fixed :beer:

Best batteries on the planet, but your price is way high :wink:

-Jamie M.

They are indeed much less expensive if you order them from China, but it'll take a couple weeks if you even get them at all.

Didn’t realize I.S. doesn’t ship from China, my apologies.

-Jamie M.

You know what? You're right, I adjusted the pricing. Try again with the ISPower coupon code.

Great prices. Will we see reviews of the Kinokos, PF and VTC3 from HKJ soon? :P

Are you sure the 18500 is Sanyo inside? I know thats what Keeppower says, but I've found other cells..

HKJ has been slowly releasing his reviews on our Kinoko lineup: IMR14500, IMR16340, IMR17650, IMR18650.

We probably won't be sending the PF and VTC3 in for review since they come from reputable manufacturers with official datasheets.

The KeepPower 18500 comes in two types, Sanyo and ICR internal cells. Since we specified Sanyo internals we have no reason to believe that KeepPower did not deliver Sanyos. It's possible the last place you acquired the 18500s from had inaccurate listing information.

I've seen them, but some are missing, thats why I asked. From your answer I guess we will see more. ;)

Official data sheets are one thing but those exist for a lot of cells, but you dont know how they were made exactly and its always good to have a comparison.. like HKJs great comparator.

Its just that I'm a little confused about the -PF cell. From the data available, it doesnt seem to be superior to the -PD but still gets a lot of praise and is called the successor.

Even the label said "Cell made in Japan" but it was from China.

Some of the datasheets I'm a little hesitant to release due to their "confidential" nature. The VTC3s have been around a while and were already posted somewhere on the internet. I'll see what I can dig up on the other cells.

Is it possible you may have misread the label? It seems to say Cell and & IC made in Japan as opposed to just IC made in Japan:

I'll be running a discharge test on our 18500s just in case and report back.

Oh wow, that’s WAY better!!! Thanks :slight_smile:

-Jamie M.

The datasheet can be found in a few places, but no review so far. But since there is the VTC4 already, that might not be that important. PF would be interesting though. :)

I guess we wont get any data on the non-18650 IMR cells? Not many places that build such cells.. I trust you with these cells, I'm just very curious. :P

No, it said "Cell and IC Made in Japan", just like the ones on HKJs pictures. And it was the same 1500mAh version. I see you have the 1700mAh one. But inside mine was a DLG ICR18500, a company Keeppower seems to like (14500, 16340, 18350) although there are better cells available sometimes. I dont think you will notice that when discharging them, the cells are fine.

I'm running a capacity discharge test. Should be apparent between the 1500 and 1700 mAh base cells.

Is the MNKE 26650 a protected version of the 'Powerizer' sold/rebranded by batteryspace? TomE says those blow all the other 26650s out of the metaphorical water... :O

I would hope they don't blow. The MNKE 26650 we carry is unprotected. Exact model is MNKE IMR-26650, I'm not too sure which 26650 TomE is referring to, are we talking about the Sony 26650 2600mAh 50A cell? I know our MNKE 26650s are rated for 20A continuous and 60A burst.

Search for 'powerizer 26650', I don't want to link to a potential competitor in your thread because you guys are awesome :bigsmile:

TomE just mentioned it in another thread, I forget where. Said it was better than the Sonys even. If the MNKE is the same cell or different but performs similarly I think you will sell a lot of them. :)

Just last week I ordered some 26650 from Illumination Supply.... AS USUAL.... BANG! They were here in a flash. The batteries are great.... well priced, and you simply CANNOT CANNOT beat the service!! Thanks guys!



No, it said "Cell and IC Made in Japan", just like the ones on HKJs pictures. And it was the same 1500mAh version. I see you have the 1700mAh one. But inside mine was a DLG ICR18500, a company Keeppower seems to like (14500, 16340, 18350) although there are better cells available sometimes. I dont think you will notice that when discharging them, the cells are fine.


My discharge test of the KP 18500 1700mAh Sanyo UR18500F is more or less consistent with HKJ's test. KP and Sanyo advertise a typical capacity of 1700mAh with a nominal capacity of 1620mAh. My test ends at around 1600mAh, please keep in mind I do not have as fancy and accurate a test rig as HKJ and my program does not account for wire resistance and other factors. Test was run at 0.2C or 0.34A


I took a look at the spec sheet for the Powerizer 26650 and it seems to have a lower discharge capability than the MNKE 26650, The Powerizer claims an 18A max discharge while the MNKE claims 20A with 60A in bursts. I can run my own discharge test on the MNKE tomorrow if you'd like.

Wow! They’re many. Thanks.