I'm still alive so far..

my apologies to everyone for my absence over the last month. Things have not been all that great in the family life for me lately, and may be some time before i can pick up the pieces and get back on my feet. I will try to check in from time to time, but for now i may be offline for extended periods of time at least until after the new year. I will try to get my reviews and updates caught up after i can get back on the right track.
In the mean time keep a light on for me!

- Den

Be well. Hope things clear up in your life.

All the best Den. Please be strong.

Wishing the best for you, Den.

Will keep a candle in the window for you :slight_smile:

Cheers David

Hey Dan, keep strong, life just ain’t fun and lights all of the time.

Think of a tree that gets its leaves covered in sh*t, as life sometimes has the habit of doing.
It is heavy, branches may hang low towards the ground and some might even break. but shaken or washed off the sh*t falls to the ground providing nutrients for growth and strength.


Glad to see you back ! We missed you...! But first thing first , take care of your life.., we'll be here next day you'll get on your feet again !!!!!

Like Ferris Beuller says …

” Life moves pretty fast… If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it.”

Wishing you well and that whatever troubles you have will be cleared up in a good way soon :+1:

Life is the thing which gets in the way of having fun, but until you handle life there’s no fun to be had at all.


Best wishes with your stresses Dan. :confused:

Den, Wishing things get better for you and your family.


Hang in there.

Thanks for the update, no need to apologise for not being on the forum, hobbies are best kept obligation-free. At some point we will be happy to see you back in the forum!
Take care.

Stay safe and healthy. All the best.

Den, I’ve already commented a day ago. I just wanted to add, I hope it’s nothing critical to do with your health. If it’s just a family thing, it’s something you can hopefully work out. Again, I wish you the best.


Whatever the problem is, I wish you the best of luck dealing with it. Godspeed, brother.

Have Faith, bend but dont break, God Bless

You have one family, and lots of friends.