I got a malfunctioning DN70 from a friend to fix.
He don't know what happen but it stopped lightning (the screen is still functioning)
After a lot of trouble I manged to take out the Driver (It is glued, great engineering Imalent) and the boost converter is fried (and possibly some other components).
It is 20 pins VQFN so I doubt if I can replace it.
Where can I buy a new compatible driver?
I have contacted Imalent and they send me a new driver for 20 USD.
Great costumer service but not so great engineering, since the driver was glued to the body, I had to drill it out.
Now I had a new driver but still had to fix the body.... This Russian guy used a CNC machine to do it but I don't have one so I used a Dremel, 2 coins and heat sink glue to do it :)
Could you explain how did you take off the drive? How did you unglue and pull it out?
My DN70 is not charging because of a problem with USB port and I need to replace it.
As far as I remember, I removed the MPCB with LED and drilled the plate behind it and then pushed the driver out using a thin tool trying not to damage the driver.
Try to disconnect all wires/ribbons you can before doing it
I recommend contacting the company before you do it since I think they told me they no longer have spare parts for this model