I did all my unprotected ones with an additional transparent heat shrink tube to avoid rattling in my lights
The internal resistance of those Sanyo cells is so low they dont heat up, way more heat comes to them from the LED heating up the tube on turbo in EDC light size
Its extra battery wraps if you rip a sleeve . its common in vape units for them to tear. I’ve used their wraps plenty of times its meant as a replacement a free gift basically I wouldn’t use them until a battery sleeve tears. Sometimes laptop pull sleeves tear retrieving them I’ll rewrap it with those or clear ones. They include those two wraps with every order placed
A lot of double 18650 mods are pretty tight with a lot of pressure. I’ve seen plenty of well used sets with the bottom of the battery pointing inwards. The usually tear at the top or the bottom of the battery. Some batteries are a real tight fit. Even using the string to run behind the batteries on some mods takes a little force. And then not everyone uses the string. Its actually free advertising for imr. And doesn’t cost them but a penny or two. 10 wraps is only a dollar from them. I like the clear ones. Write the capacity on laptop pulls or older cells with date then wrap lver in clear