I’m looking for someone to do some graphics design work for me. I figured since I’m constantly on this forum, I might as well ask you guys :bigsmile:
I’m specifically needing someone to edit an audio file, and turn it in to a high definition, waveform image. Something along these lines, although not quite as fancy. I know there are a whole host of programs out there that can do this for me, but I don’t have the time, nor the expertise to make it look good without swallowing an entire month of my life.
This would be a one-time project, and I’d be willing to compensate you for your time in flashlights, 18650’s or a simple Paypal transfer (most likely the latter).
Let me know if anyone has experience in graphical design and could do this in a timely manner for me.
So, what’s the point of this “Graphics Design” you’re looking for? If you just want a waveform, why won’t the one you have pictured work? What, specifically, are you really looking for? I’m not a graphical designer by trade or by any professional experience, but I’ve played around a bit with stuff in the past, and if I know exactly what you’re looking for, I’m fairly confident that I could come up with it for you. If someone else better qualified wants to do it, of course that would be better!
David, What I’m looking to do is take custom audio (which I have recorded) and turn it into a high definition picture so I can print it on a 2ft by 6ft piece of paper or canvas (for framing). The problem I’m having is that the one’s I’m creating aren’t high definition at all.
Imagine trying to scale that up to 6ft long and it would look so pixelated that you couldn’t tell what it is considering the file size is only 24kb. I’d also like the waves to be much more detailed/sensitive (so higher and thinner peaks, with lower narrower lows). Also a different color (probably just black on a white background)
You don’t have to have a background in graphics design, I just need an end product
Audacity is great for recording audio, but pixelated is not a strong enough word to describe how their waveforms look. I guess what I’m wondering is why the custom waveform at all? Why not just pull up some pretty picture of a waveform off of Google Images or something? What makes yours special and what do you want to do with it once it’s made into a poster? Lots of tweaks and stuff can be done, including pretty colors and textures. But, what is your vision? The reason I’m trying to pull so much out of you is because apparently, the audio file you have is special to you, and translating the emotional aspect of it from audio to visual is akin to translating Chinese to English. The alphabet isn’t the same, the words don’t exactly line up. Getting the underlying meaning is what really matters.
you’ll be doing a lot of filtering if you want a high def version of the signal from your screenprint. Most audio gear has a resolution limit to the sampling rate. An analog sampling will be cleaner. Timestretching in the audio app will also help since each slice will be stretched.
The signal also looks like it is clipping. Is that something you want in the image?
I might suggest you get a nice big screen, zoom into segments of the auto, and merge a lot of scenes together to get a better resolution for your master.
If I had my audio equipment hooked up I’d give you hand on this, but I don’t at the moment.
Lekvar, yea I like that. Can you change the colors of the waves or no?
Nightspy, it doesnt have to be the one I posted. I would send whoever does it an audio file to use and then whatever you gotta do is fine. I just need the end result to be of high enough quality to print it much larger
If you can get the waveform as a vector graphic, then you can easily scale it to whatever size you want. Images like JPG, PNG, etc., store pixels and don’t scale well.
Vector graphics store the actual drawing commands needed to render a drawing, and can scale from something tiny like an icon to something gigantic like a billboard, because it’s technically redrawing it from scratch every time you re-size it.
How about this:
or, if you like giraffe skine patern file is 10214x4363 px so it will take some time to load (tinypic resized them down) this is just a JPG preview but I can send you vector file that you can scale to your needs. I can also change colors easily, CMYK and 300dpi also available just in case you plan on making 10.000 prints
A project like this is definitely going to require vector graphics. freeme, Sirius9, I’ve been having fun trying to duplicate your submissions in Illustrator.
Sirius, the red looks awesome! Not exactly sure what to say about the giraffe The file is only about 3 seconds long.
Freeme, that looks awesome as well. I was leaning more towards something that is more “spikey”. Ie, look at lekvar’s render and how the individual lines tailor down into a point rather than squared off blocks. I’m just worried about scaling it up so large and long that it’ll look more even more blocky.
Koda, I had originally considered putting it on canvas, but soon realized canvas printing is pretty expensive! I have a buddy that owns a shop that prints signs for companies, so I was going to give him a shot. But I would honestly prefer canvas… as bob barker would say, “if the price is right” lol
Thanks for all of your guy’s input. I figured this would be a shot in the dark posting on here. I talked to a buddy of mine yesterday who went to school for graphic arts, and I’m going to send him the audio to try out over the weekend. He seems to know how to do it, but we will see. If not, I may just post the audio and let you guys give it a shot.
I created that in illustrator cc so, 300 dpi or 360 or 500 dpi is just a matter of selected settings, every bar can be customized independently (although this would require some serious time).