IndieGoGo Allocacoc project: 18650, XML-2, USB-C, 3500K/6500K, ramping UI

I am not sure if this was already shared on BLF.

On /r/flashlight new flashlight project on IndieGoGo by the (Dutch?) company Allocacoc was shared.

A seemingly IT-crowd inspired teaser video shows off the design of this new flashlight, however lots of technical questions remain unanswered.
To quote Parametrek:

And also:

  • What is the capacity of the 18650 cell? (2400mAh as they state on another website, or something better 3500mAh cell)?
  • Moonlight / firefly mode?
  • Can the innovative add-on accessories be bought separately from the light itself?
  • IPX rating (“splashproof”, so only IPX3 or IPX4?)

What do you think?

Folomov EDC C4 is a better option, my only complaint is that they don’t have the Narsil interface…

The fact that they consistently refer to flashlights as “forgotten tools” tells me that we are not the target market.