The range of the device is 1000 metres, but when you read the fine print below it states the infared light "effective distance" is 80 to 100 metres. It says: " IR Power: 0.5 mW IR Wave Length: 850mm (LED) IR Effective Distance 80 to 100m Field Of View: 13 Degrees"
What do the experienced members think?
Is it possible to have a range in total darkness of 1000 metres, but the infra red light source is 80 to 1000 metres.
Then it states the seller does not accept returns, but they say the warranty is 12 months (I could not find this device on amazon to look for reviews).
On another note I just got my new Haikelite MT40 (first time in my life I buy a modern flashlight with a user interface), and then bought 4 Panasonic 18650 batteries online (Jeff51 included Pansonic on his list) and when the batteries arrived yesterday, there was nothing that stated "Panasonic" on it. The MT 40 was not funtioning properly and the button flashed orange indicating these batteries were flat. I was scammed. I want to write a separate post about problems I am having with this new flashlight.
Thank you to all the experienced, wise members here for all their expertize and advice.
What do you mean by it will not be useful with a range of 1000 metres?
I am in SA, but remember I also have a small boat, and there are many many other boats here, so I can think that such a range is good for the water and the farm at night.
I think I would rather stick with 300USD at most because there are import taxes, but ebay is much better than Amazon for me personally because they accept Paypal, but Amazon beats Ebay because of all the excellent and helpful reviews.
But Lightdecay, do you think this product is believable?
In other words will it give 1000 metres range despite the infra red being 80 to 100 metres?
What country - SA? Is that South America (which is not a country), or Saudi Arabia?
1000 meters is very far. How far can you see during the day? Can you post a picture of the scene? I have a hard time imagining what it might be like.
There is no standard for measuring range for infrared light sources. No-name flashlights and batteries are often marketed with numbers that are simply made-up.
I do not think this product is believable. If you buy it, you will probably be disappointed.
Give us a web link to what batteries you bought and where you bought them from, please.
Do you own a voltmeter or a DMM? What did the cells measure, were you equipped to check them?
Do you know what chemistry those batteries you bought are? Presumably li-ion?
Do you have an appropriate and safe charger to use with the batteries you bought?
What brand and model charger do you have?
That no doubt means that someone a thousand meters away can see the point of light when you wave the flashlight at them.
Not that it lights them up bright enough to say read a newspaper or their watch.
Not that you can shine it on something a thousand meters and make out any useful detail.
Go out in daylight and see what you can perceive that’s a thousand meters away. Can you identify the model of a car or read the license plate?
Thankyou but I have to rush off to work and will get back to you
BUT this supposedly has 7 x zoom, in response to your question about what one can see 1000 metres away with the naked eye. I am extremely poor equipped and illiterate with regard to electronics, but might learn a few tricks here from all the wonderful, hospitable, knowledgeable people here, but it seems people are saying this product is most likely a scam