insulator size?

On this insulator, does the 9mm mean it is for a reflector with a 9mm hole?

9mm is the overall diameter. I have some of those myself; they are for fitting XM-L/L2 emitters to a reflector with a normal-sized opening, such as found on a P60-type reflector and many others. I think that it would be about a 7mm reflector opening IIRC.

I think the opening size was originally built for XR-E style emitters.

Yep that’s what I thought.
Do you know what insulator I can use for a reflector with a 9mm hole?
xm-L/L2 emitter.
And is a 9mm hole in the reflector an oddball size?

Looks like its for a 7mm reflector to me.

Not that oddball. I've seen several C8 style and other thrower lights that have larger emitter openings, but they usually come with their own centering ring. I've never seen any of the larger diameter centering rings available for sale separately though.

I'm hoping someone can help us locate those as I would like to find a source as well.

then it looks like it’s this one

I have a Supfire L5 host that was given to me. Did not come with one.
The reflector has a 9mm hole and I want to use an XM-L2 emitter.

I would go with this one.


PM RMM, he might be able to help. He started moving his shop today so his availability may be limited if at all.