Anyone have a device that is similar in form and function to an i4, but only creates a battery pack (preferably configurable) of the batteries, that’s working for them? Need to be able to install and thrn remove 18650s without soldering for charging.
You mean like these ENB "Charger/Power Banks"? I have my eyes on the Tri-18650 one for $9.64 or even the newly added one with a Q5 LED for $12.82 (thinking car glovebox emergency type use for that one). These have good reviews and the Tri-18650 model works with longer protected cells (I think the 2 cell only works with unprotected cells).
What do you want? I can’t understand what you are searching.
A charger for what? Batteries? Devices? I4 type, which abilities of i4 do you like?
hahaaha sorry i was on my phone. this thing, but for 18650, and hopefully you can convert between series, parallel, some of each, etc…
4*AAA Battery Holder Case with Lead Wires (2-Pack)
These are available at fastech, but they only fit unprotected cells. Protected could be pressed in but I wouldn’t recommend to do this often because they always get a bit abused.