Introducing, ... the HENDO Bezel ??

Has this been done before?
i made a 26.5 lens from a welding mask protective cover
fits on top of the reflector,
then cut the original bezel off as it masks about 10% of the beam

how did you do this what holds the lens and dropin in? I dont like how some bezels block a lot of the beam either.

:slight_smile: I should have said its a solarforce torch,
the black `ring` you can see is actually part of the head, and holds the drop-in in
and seats the stock glass lens
i`ve got the same torch on my cycle helmet, but not to keen on the narrow beam profile

i`ve got some glass lenses 26.8mm coming from
to replace the plastic lens i made

Looks nice, but you should get it flush, polish the black ring silver and do something about the cut "hot surface" logo..^^

what is the new overall length of this light now?

that thins looks tiny!

hahahaha!! yes i agree with you NightCrawl, but i have no machine shop! :slight_smile:
……. only hand tools for me
maybe make total silver with potassium hydroxide

Dig it.

Less is more.

Definitely would benefit from a little cleanup/polish. Not sure what can be done about the cut caution hot symbol.

Nice work, is the beam improved?


ok, so no mahoosive improvement….
…. in the region of 10% but
yes an improvement over stock

LOVE this light.

So using hand tools you cut down the head....what about the body? That looks like a solarfore L2T host. Did you cut the body tube by hand and if so did you re-thread it or just JB Weld the various parts back together? What size battery is in there now. Could be an 18350?

Sorry for so many questions. Just looks like a really nice little pocket rocket :)

- Matt


I think that is a L2M host which is a shorty version for use with a 16340 size battery.

Yeah, a L2T is the one that is square. I think the surefire equivalent is the C2.

Ah...shows how much I know about Solarforce hosts - might have to go shopping then :)

yes it does take the bigger 18350 size

L2m bodytube