Is anybody here both interested in flashlights and lasers?

Hi y’all
Wondering if anybody here even talks about lasers. By lasers I dont mean LEP flashlights but the actual multicolored laser pointers like these

Only asking to see if there is any likeminded people here or if I should head over to laserpointer forums :laughing:

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Either dim enough to safely play with The Cats, or 1W or higher to burn through shiite, yeh.

Biggest one I got is ~1W blue, as even marginally beyond that started doubling if not tripling in price, at least back then.

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I don’t use laser pointers, but there are plenty on BLF that do, and I like skimming threads about laser pointers on BLF. :yum:

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My biggest is 450nm 1.6w however id like to buy or build something bigger. Perhaps 1.2 w green

I have been trying to work out a way to move the phosphor.

I like lasers too but I have more lights than lasers. I’m more into pretty and unique wavelengths vs. having multi watt ones that I would be afraid of using. It’s a good time for that now since there’s now cheap yellow lasers available and cyan diodes which used to be unthinkable 10 years ago.

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I like lasers too. Still not got a big collection, but what it lacks in size, it makes up for with a 7.5W laser :rofl:

I would get more lasers, but then I couldn’t get more lights :stuck_out_tongue:

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That sanwu striker must be insane beam! 7.5w is crazy power for a handheld laser.

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I could totally be Darth Vador with that thing…

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Yeah, it goes way beyond visual range, and I know it’s visible for probably at least a couple of miles away when aimed e.g. into the sky or at the moon.

The sort of laser you have flightradar open next to you when you play with to avoid any air traffic.

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