is convoy the new solarforce?

I’ve been eyeballing this brand lately, especially the L4 as it is being highly recommended by you guys. What do you guys have to say?

Convoy is good, but they aren’t solarforce good imo.

I’m looking at my Convoy L4 sitting beside my SolarForce L2, and while I love the L4, the L2 still wins on quality easily and it’s a $12 host (Pretty close to the cheapest product they sell)!

Nearly or maybe all the Convoy lights are just generic lights that were sold for a long time as no-names. Solarforce at least makes their own stuff.

Solarforce is better.

I really like Convoy. Some aren’t branded convoy like the S6 where there is no place to put the name but at least as a host the value for money is pretty good.
I have a Solarforce L2N but I hardly use it as it’s a forward clicky, quite anoying to change mode. I can buy a reverse click switch but I don’t know why I didn’t do it yet.
Roche is a pretty good challenger too. But they are less mod friendly than convoy.

I can flash the ATtiny13A so that’s maybe why I really like Convoy flashlight.

I think I’ll end up getting all convoy model.

It was the shiny Solarforce X3 that got me interested in more modern flashlights.

But I don't think so, they offer quite different kinds of customising to one's taste and there is not that much overlap. Solarforce just reminds me of Surefire, P60 drop-ins and hosts.

I'd like to see some Convoy with AR lens, but then I can just buy replacement parts anyway. ^_^

I like solarforce. I’ve built a few for myself and friends but unless you are into p60 hosts, I think they are kind of limited. I wish they would use ha-lll and squared anodized threads in all their lights. That would be awesome.

They do have some very nice thrower heads, but they are quite expensive.

I’m very happy with all my Solarforce L2 parts great hosts if you’re into P60’s a very flexible system, lots of P60 drop-ins and accessories to choose from. Two of my most used assemblys.

Convoy is good but Solarforce is great.
I need this so badly :heart_eyes:

I’m happy with the p60’s, specifically the l2. I use the l2 on my duty belt in a surefire holster. Fits perfectly but is really rough on the light using ss retaining springs in the holster. My l2’s threads are starting to feel gritty and cap is starting to get off center because its wearing on the threads from being unscrewed so much. Will I have this problem with the l2p with the ha-lll anodizing?

I never owned a Solarforce but I do have a few Convoy flashlights. Convoy is cheaper in my opinion and still give you a good quality flashlight. You can get Convoy M2 (about the size of a P60) for $24 shipped and that is a complete flashlight with emitter and driver of your choice. I do however interested in SF lately and might get my first SF host in the near future.

Like comparing apples to oranges.
However, having said that, Convoy flashlights are definitely good value for money.
If you wanted to spend say… not more than $25 for a flashlight, I’d say go with the Convoy :slight_smile: