Is there a 12 step group? Skyray King with flat tops?

I’m new. But I already broke up 3 laptop packs and got a lot of flat top cells out. They charge up fine on my Nitecore i4 V2 that I got in today. They are at about 4.16V to 4.18V after a couple hours out of the charger. I put them in my SRK and no light. Is it because they are flat tops? I broke out my 40 yo Weller solder gun but it’s dead, or won’t get hot enough to melt anything. But am I going in the right direction? If I buy a decent solder gun tomorrow and button my cells will my SRK work? I’m upset. Got my very first 18650 light, SRK, and have hot cells to put in it, but I can’t make any light…./cry I even have small washers but couldn’t find my Super Glue stash to get them affixed to the top of the cells as buttons. Grrrrr……!!! Is this what being a flashaholic is like? Is there a 12 step group? I think I have a C8 kinda light showing up tomorrow. Hopefully that will give me a light fix and something to compare the SRK to.

- Joe

Yes, it is because they are flat tops. Make sure to rub some flux/rosin on first, it makes the solder adhere so much better and just flatten out very nicely. You only need enough of a bump to overcome the insulator and wrapper.

Solder a ring of copper wire to the driver, much less trouble than having to modify every single cell to fit the light.

Thats a great idea comfy! A simple solution to an aggravating problem.

Good ideas there! I was mostly worried about “No, a flat top should work fine in a SRK, your light and cells all just fail!”. :frowning:

I don’t need a 12 step group for flashaholics if you guys keep me happy right? Wait, that’s Co-Dependancy.

- Joe

Sorry to break this to you, but we WERE the 12-step group.

… we just all failed together.


Hahahaha not much has changed these years :wink:

possible problem.if + contact is perfectly level with top of can this may wear through the jacket and cause a dead short.better to put the solder blob on the cell.

Great idea on the ring of copper wire.

Is there a twelve step group?

Yes. We un-pocket our Meteors and go to it, illuminating every twist of character, every dark cranny of the past.

till someone shorts a cell……

I do not see how the ring of wire provides any advantage. The outer edge (negative) of the flat top cell could still contract the positive ring and cause a short if the insulation of the cell wrap became worn or whatever. Seems the only sure method of spacing the shell of the cell away is with a button top cell; solder blob, magnet or other make do solutions have inherent dangers. At least that is how I see it.


I think the solder blob is best, because it’s relatively soft so you will have the biggest contact surface.