Is there a 20mm triple reflector available?

I saw something about this size on a production light but can’t remember which one it was. Since then I’ve been curious if there’s any reflectors that suit a 20mm triple mcpcb …? I’m thinking of building a triple uv light.

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I wonder if you could do like hank does with the triple channel d4k when there’s UV on one channel and drill out holes in the TIR and stick 3 tiny individual reflectors in there? TIR would hold them in place? Idk. Just spitballing

I’m open to that. Do you know where i could get the reflectors?

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I don’t know any that fit a 20mm mcpcb, but the convoy s12 is a 1x 21700 light with a triple reflector set up. The head is only slightly larger than the body so it can’t be too far off. I’ve seen people build UV lights with them, the 12V gt-fc40 driver and 3x sbt10x UV emitters in series seems a very good combination (the emitters are v expensive though)

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This is the host I was thinking of, also.

With increasing availability of multi channel drivers, these lights could be pretty fun I can think of lots of options:


3 white channels CW/NW/WW;

Florescent light: Blue/395nm/365nm;

“Throw”/medium/flood channels;

Difficulty is just sourcing drivers. KD still advertises their 3-channel P60 drop-ins which have been discontinued :man_facepalming:.

Thanks merlot. I think that was the light i was thinking of. Pretty sure you can purchase the s12 with UV already installed from Simon. I also found the Jaxman U3 but couldn’t find much info about the reflector and mcpcb.

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I’m almost certain you’re correct that a pre-built UV option from Simon is available, just gotta wait until CNY is over- I’m also waiting to place an order with Simon when he’s back.

I don’t think the S12 UV uses SBT-10X, I’ve a single emitter in an SP10 PRO, and it puts out lots of UV. 3 of them in a ‘big light’ would be a UV monster!

Raymond-Wu also sells triple SW (255nm) lights, if you feel like you require a true death ray.

Keep in mind this is already UV-C range, and as such dangerous to both eyes and skin. Don’t point it at any persons/animals, only use with eye protection. Avoid exposing your skin too it.

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I was also looking for such a reflector the other day. I wrote to Hank if he would sell reflector for the KC1 separately and what is the diameter. He wrote back today that they are 8.9mm in diameter and are $2/piece (including the centering washer). I just placed the order. We’ll see how it works out.
One carclo 105xx lens is 9.2mm, so it should fit after reaming the optics, but I wonder if it will be needed at all, since you can rest the reflector directly on the glass.

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That’s good to know. I might message Hank as well.

It looks like the olight seeker 4 mini has a small sized triple reflector as well. So there’s a few lights around with small triple reflectors but it’s difficult to find just the reflector for sale.

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