Is there a difference between the copper BLF X5 and Astrolux SC?

I would like to buy either the BLF X5 or the Astrolux SC. Is there any difference between the two other than the branding?
On banggood the BLF X5 is listed at $49.95 and the Astrolux SC is listed at $39.99 and claims to be 50% off.

I don’t care which logo is on it just wondering of there is a difference. I looked at the details but couldn’t tell if there is any difference.


i thought they are going for $29.99?
manker sells them too i believe

The copper BLF X5: this one

and The Astrolux SC this one:
Branded differently and $10 price difference but the same light ya?

Most likely…. Maybe a board difference but hopefully not.

I own both. They are identical, except for the branding.

Also, you might wait a couple days to order, as BG is having a 48hr (10th Anniversary) sale soon, and there will likely be some excellent deals/coupon codes.

See here:


Interesting that a Kronos branding makes it more expensive.

Interesting that these same lights are sold at Banggood and seeminly has new stock after Manker shouted out not to do business with Banggood anymore.

That’s not true . Banggood prices and offers on these flashlights change everyday … Bought Blf X5 copper for 5$ less than the current price of Astrolux SC , 1 month ago .

You can’t assume that a light built yesterday is the same as a light built three months ago.
Every time a new batch of parts is delivered, the parts may be better made, more reliable, and less expensive.
That’s quality creep
Or, of course, the opposite — quality fade

Either could happen. You pays your money and you gets what they’re selling.

Ah ok, missed that, on the Kronos and Astrolux counterparts I have in my cart at BG Kronos seems more expensive all the time, but I do not login to Banggood daily :wink:

I am waiting to see if they go on further sale in the next couple of days. Thanks for the replies.