Hey all, I want to use the 20x12.8mm elliptical optics available at the Convoy store, but fixed modes are inconvenient for removable bike use. Cri doesn’t matter, as I’ll be emitter swapping anyway.
I tried fitting one in an rrt01 2019 version, but the dimensions didn’t quite match up. I know these optics have worked in the wurrkos fc11, but no flat regulation. I’d like to avoid buying an fw3x just to optic swap and handlebar mount.
I’m sure it will take the same optics, though regulation is only flat for the first the first third of runtime. Seems to be stepped, not smooth ramping. Still may be interesting for other projects.
I did notice the fw3x is down to 44usd on ali, much better than 80. With an elliptical triple optic installed, that seems to be my best option so far.
Looks like the Sofirn sp31 pro can take these optics, but runtime graphs don’t suggest great regulation.