Wanted to buy a skyray king but is surprised by so many complaints/doubts of people buying copy torch.
Should I buy fandyfire instead (Maybe no fake?) Or does trustfire brand have any fake?
Wanted to buy a skyray king but is surprised by so many complaints/doubts of people buying copy torch.
Should I buy fandyfire instead (Maybe no fake?) Or does trustfire brand have any fake?
Not quite, there is a Brinkmann mini mag copy…
and on taobao they sell maglite copies!!
In china they even can have a company selling fake.
They even have pirated textbook at 5% of the price
How about Icon?
If you list them here, there will soon be fakes . . . .
Fakefire? UranusFire?
Fakefires are guaranteed to be geniune… H)
Looks like you’re on the right track, seeking reviews. That may be better than traditional branding, for determining quality.
Please remember that a lot of us are also interested in what you discover, just as you are. The reason this IS the right track is because good people like you are willing to come back and say “this is what I found”.
As for me, I go for the best-looking, cheapest; then rebuild it to make it do what I want. I don’t advocate that. It’s too hard on the fingers, ears and retinas.
What’s a brand, anyway, but just some logo silk-screened on some part on some assembly line somewhere? (At the finished-goods level, the differences are less significant, usually)
Its not the logo i want but quality in materials and construction
Fakefires are only originals if sold by the official Fakefire store!As for Uranus fire being original, guess it depends on where it ends up?Ughh….I’ll stop now, sorry.
And design and internal components of consistent quality. It means less of a gamble for the buyer.
Take the no name batteries or Ultrafire batteries. They would get a much better reputation here if they performed consistently, even if they were consistently of low capacity.