Is this a fixed blade folder or a folding fixed blade ?


It’s neither. It’s a fixed blade with an attached folding sheath. Kinda like it.

but I reckon most border and customs would treat it as fixed blade since the overall length doesn’t change.

It looks really cheap and I will never buy it.

Think I'm going to have to order one of these

I would almost order one but that hook on back of the handle looks scary. If your grip slips, your hand will slide right in to that thing and tear your hand open. But I do really like the idea of a fixed blade with a built in sheath, and I’ve already ordered almost every fixed blade FT has. Maybe they’ll come out with a better design.

The hook is covered when the knife is open.

Not a good steel and soft heat treatment. If you’re buying it to collect or just as a novelty then it’s fine, not a great design for a user though.
If you want to get a real nasty novelty then this from (I think) the same maker - 50/50 you’ll cut yourself. I was daft enough to buy one from Amazon, then they listed a larger one and I bought that one as well, I know no excuse! :stuck_out_tongue: I’ve not cut myself on it - yet.

EDIT…………I’ve just noticed that they sell another nipper as well. Three for the set anyone?

I gave some of those out a few years ago as gifts, and I think every single person I gave one to cut themselves. Kept one for me. Still haven’t cut myself with it, though.

Reminds me of this CRKT:

How are the latest batches of G704 and EL01 from Fasttech?

My son in law asked for a flipper for X-mas so I was either going to do a Cryo, Skyline or maybe the EL01. I was thinking a G704 for my own stocking. No gimmicky knives this year :wink:

I use my Cryo far more than the EL01. Get a Kershaw!

skyline is a wonderful knife. been using mine for about 3 years now.

Spot on with that.

Another version, still CRKT.

The one that I bought two of is a (very rough) copy of the Kershaw E.T; How many ways can you cut yourself!

The knife that needed a training video, I think they had a DVD in the box with the knife.
I wanted one but the price went way up - $200 on ebay - so when I saw the copy I had to have it, saved about $190 as well. :bigsmile:

My son wants a Chill, so maybe the Skyline for me and we’ll all have Kershaws under the tree this year. I’ve had the Chill for a couple years and like it. Went to buy a Skyline just now but I got a D25A Mini and a Schrade tactical pen instead. I can’t be trusted to shop on Amazon haha.

trust me, I have always been a big fan of assisted openers... the skyline changed that all. unless they changed it, the steel holds an edge incredibly long, it fits the hand perfect, disappears in your pocket, opens smooth, and its got an elegant look to it. perfect edc.

the only other blade I edc now is my ganzo g707, and thats only because its an auto... it takes a freaking auto to beat the skyline.

edit: another kershaw to look at for yourself is this. i spent at least $90 on mine, no regrets. assisted opening still works strong, only reason i have not used it much is i need to send it back for a new blade.

dont ask why, but i needed to pry the plastic trim of the shift boot up on a audi a6, and decided to use this blade... now its missing 1/16" of the tip off it. contacted kershaw and told them the details... they told me to ship it to them and it would be covered under warranty. just have not got around to it yet. must of had that one for 5 years now

it is bigger than the skyline, and more noticeable in the pocket, but a slight push on the thumb stud and it is out as quick as any switchblade i have used. and, it has this textured inlay in the handle that makes the grip anything but loose..

love kershaws... need to send this blade back to get fixed...

dont get me started on benchmade... gave my last away at a bar probably 4 years ago and missed it ever since (griptillian)...

like my expensive blades....

I bought a Kershaw Chill and loved it for a while, the pivot got pocket lint so I took it apart, it’s the first time I’ve stripped threads from screws 2 taking a knife apart, Loctite and a bench vice cured the problem for a while but I ended up cutting the G10 scales down to put on a SS Chive.
Never hear of any bad ones but I managed to buy one.
I am a fan of the speed assist system though, I know it’s only a small knife but the blade on the Chive flies out reliably and I’ve never had it open when I didn’t want it open.

I’m a pretty big Spyderco fanboy but I’ve always liked the Kershaw flippers. Last year I gave my son a Chill (which he lost and wants another one) and I gave my son in law the Navy Native knockoff and the other day he said “can I have a flipper instead?” What can I say—Kershaw just seems to be giving the people what they want. What about the Cryo II? Is it worth the extra 7 dollars?

I don’t own a Benchmade. Every time I go to order a mini grip, I buy another Spydie instead. I think my first Benchmade might be a fixed blade. Something like this.