Is this the worst buying run of bad luck ever?

Due to the speed of delivery from China I have got used to buying and then forgetting about stuff rather than watch the post box each day in anticipation for each new delivery. For that reason, I don’t always notice immediately, if things have gone astray. I have spent the day going through my Banggood orders though and I have had an appalling run with them just lately. Of the seven orders I have made with them since the end of September, they have cancelled my order of 18650 batteries. They have sent me a pair of non-working and stone dead 14500 batteries and three orders have gone missing (thankfully two of those are tracked). Only two items have actually arrived at my door. Is this a record?

I had a much better experience with Gearbest, the few orders I made on banggood actually never made it to my place.

That is not nice and also not normal I think.
Slow yes, some things go wrong yes but all?

WoWe that sux! I have never had a problem with banggood. THEIR CS is good as well

I usually wait till I have a few items in cart or a purchase that offers free registered tracked postage.
Cut the Bull and directly file a claim with paypal.

Had a batch of 8X 30Q that got cancelled. 2 days go by and no refund. Filed with PP and had refund in less than 24hrs through the PP claim service. Reordered and the second batch was shipped out fast.

Lithium batteries are bad Ju-Ju in today’s Air shipping. BG is one of the few still taking the risk by shipping them out with false customs declaration description of contents. If your package happens to get Xrayed and discovered, customs will keep them if not labeled and shipped as hazardous. Lately USPS tracking is not showing the arrival to ISC. My guess is they do not want you to know how long the packages actually sit there before getting processed. Only updates listed are the “processed through * ISC” as it goes on its way to the next distribution center. Without the ISC arrival you do not know if or when it arrives in USA, let alone if it has been confiscated.

That is a bad run of luck. I’ve never not received an order from BG. They can be slow at time so though.

What is the order date of the missing orders. I usually don’t expect things until one month, start checking on things around six weeks.

I just received some drivers from BG that took about 3 weeks from date of order to getting to me. Guess you’re just very unlucky :frowning:

Its such a mix with me. I’ve had stuff show up in like 12 days, and had them show up in 40 covered in mysterious gelatinous goo.

Haven’t had one go missing yet…

I’ve received all orders placed with both Banggood & GearBest, some within weeks others slower - one very slow. Recently, I purchased a BLF A6 from BG that arrived DOA. They quickly shipped a replacement head and all worked out well.

Gearbest becomes like a snail lately. “In Stock” items take them a week to dispatch.

There’s the collapse of Hanjin, one of the larger shipping companies that I think are directly related to the loss of 2 of my gearbest pkgs. I have tracking on those also which shows they still haven’t moved from Hong Kong yet

Just as a foot note guys. The two tracked orders were listed as having been delivered to my local sorting office nearly a month ago. My sorting office have no record of this though and have nothing on standby waiting for me. It looks like the two tracked items will be resent out at least. I now just have to sort out the batteries and the untracked order.

40 orders on bamggood and 15 on gearbest 4 on aliexpress

All items received undamaged but the shipping time varies from 4 days to a few 10 weeks average about 20 days

Yeah, GB has been bad.

Now there is a button on your orders page that is labeled “Dispatch Faster”. I have clicked that button at least once a day. A week has past and still not shipped. Kinda like hitting the button on the street light that says push for Green, nothing happens… It is there to put into a mental state thinking it will And to keep you from crossing when it’s red. Don’t hit the button, Complain to CS. Fill out the the satisfaction surveys.

not like my case, normally i receive complete order from Banggood,but yet slight shortage from GearBest. last time i bought from other suppliers recommended by my venders, if you need to buy a relative better price and lower transaction risk, you can go to hongkong inventory. , my batteries and chips orders are all fulfiled compared with major prevailing supplier at a, like say, 60% lower price, those vendors gave me a really good price, and i make it successful by escrow one week. escrow order . though BG can deliver on a genuine basis and gearbest sometimes gave me headache for shipment delay, they’re 80% satisfictory on a whole scale. last week i got my 4 order by HKI escrow 2 weeks,( actually 5 days after payment cos they are counting for business day) pardon if any grammer mistakes. :wink:
also one worth mentioning is that I requestecd a full refund based on escrow order cos the China vendro refused to ship out 3 days after my payment since my customer can not wait esceeding 3 days more and cancelled order, i dont know if i can get the same treatment by Banggood or GearBest.