I have just tweaked the blf-a6 firmware for use on one of my builds but when I try and flash it I get the following error:
If I try flashing a different .hex it works fine.
Please help!
I have just tweaked the blf-a6 firmware for use on one of my builds but when I try and flash it I get the following error:
If I try flashing a different .hex it works fine.
Please help!
I assume you want to flash on an ATtiny13A, then your hex file has become too large. Address 0x0400 is 1kB in hex, so “0x0410” is more than 1kB which is the limit for the 13A.
You tweaked too much.
First approach would be to optimize for size (-Os) in AVRstudio (open the project, then: project / properties / toolchain / compiler / optimization / optimization level
If you already did that while compiling, you need to reduce the code.
Happy modding.
Yep, I had the same problem. TK really packed it tight. I ended up deleting the code for the hidden modes because I had disabled them anyways
I may have to do the same thing, I don’t need any flashies so might just remove them.