I found this big LED on my old desk and i did not know what it was, so i had a Noctigon board and i went to work and here are the pics to tell the rest :slight_smile:

using 2 18650 battery’s and half turn of the trim pot



one turn of the trim pot


And another


how about more


ok one more turn


will be my hunting light once done :slight_smile: cant wait for my 9amp driver

Whoa. Is that a green MT-G2?

Nice. Which driver?

im having a driver made and should be done soon,the board is for a MT-G2

i just stuck it into a flashlight body i had running on one 18650 using a East-092


focused to be a wide beam


and focused to be tight


Interesting. Is it a Luminus emitter?

Looks like a sst-90 in green. 940 lumens at 3.15 amps. That’s probably well over 2000 lumens of green light if driven around 9 amps. Look out animals, here comes green lantern to hunt you down. :wink:

goodnessssss…… I didn’t realize the light was actually green till i saw the white wall shot…. Hahhahahhah! :Sp I need sleep.

Yes that’s what it is a SST-90 but in green

that i do but not in my budget right now :frowning:

Good job identifying the emitter Moderator007. I didn't know what to think about the square shaped die on the MT-G board.

pop that silly dome off J)

I will pool that dome off tomorrow but it is HUGE

they’re really easy to do. just stick something sharp in the bottom edge and pry it up. it doesn’t touch the emitter surface and there’s a coating over the emitter surface so its still protected.