Jack Lalanyard

If you've been here even a short while, you know our resident paracord guru is jacktheclipper. He does some amazing work and I am finally privileged to have some of his skill and creativity grace my latest prize . . .

The UltraFire UF-T60 has been rocking my world but I hated how it felt in the hand. Too boxy, too many edges and it just didn't feel right.

Thanks to Jack, it feels perfect and Foy now owns the most handsome T60 on the planet.

Is that incredible or what?

Mrs. Foy saw this venomous little charmer and wants to buy a couple for stocking stuffers for two of our grandsons.


Nice! So did you send the light to him or what? I'm gonna try that on some of my lights now. :D

Yes. I had to send him the tube.


Just finished some work on my X6 sorry for the crappy iphone pic.

Wow that is sexy!

I knew I didn't want to increase the width of the widest part of the body , but wanted to increase the thin sides .

For the knotheads out there , I used a two bight turkshead .

Foy , if you don't mind , I would like to use your excellent photos for my knot page ...

I like the way you dressed it. At first I thought it was a turkshead but when I saw it on the side I was unsure.

Thanks scaru . It took some trial and error to get it right .

Knice knots.

That is some great work, Jack! I have the toughest time doing Turk's head knots. I seem to have a real block when it comes to them. Do you have a link to a good instructional? I've found some on my own but they don't seem to help me. :(

Yeah, Turks heads are a pain in the butt. Once you do one they get easier but it took me forever to figure out how to do them. Good Luck!

The greatest videos are created by JD of Tyingitalltogether and Stormdrane .

Both can be found on YouTube .

The particular wrap I did for Foy was inspired by this video by Stormdrane .

By all means, use the pictures. I took more if you need them but these were the best.

You had to have been pleased how well the wrap turned out. To be honest, I kinda knew what I was after but couldn't visualize anything specific. I did a trial with a leather shoe lace, trying to get an idea. Hated it because it felt wrong. (and was ugly)

Also, the video was awesome. Makes me want to buy a "clay stylus."


I took my girlfriend to jack and she came out looking like this ..

I told her she wears way too much eye make-up....Jack was just trying to help.

Nothing that a facial and some cream rinse won't fix .

Very nice work. I’m also curious what a pair of snakes would run.
Thanks mike