I've mentioned on here before my dissatisfaction with the Jacob A60. I believe now that the problem was I didn't accept it for what it was and tried to make it something it just wasn't meant to be. Anyhow, I purchased this thing back in January and have been fiddling with it since. It is embarrassing how much money I have dropped on this truly budget light.
I didn't like the XRE when I got it, so I tried a dedomed XPE2. Still wasn't happy, even with direct drive. I tried several emitters with the same luck. In the midst of all of this I ruined the bottom of the reflector by sanding it down too much. At this point they discontinued the A60. For some reason, n10sivern had several kai domain reflectors that fit the A60 and he was kind enough to sell me one for cost. The diameter was identical to stock, but it was just a few mm shorter. I couldn't get this reflector focused either, so I ended up cutting the bottom out of the old reflector. I finally got a good focus on an XP-L HI by just letting the top of the reflector sit flush on the head which left the bottom a couple of mm above the led.
So, here it is:
-spring bypass on switch (not sure how long the stock switch will last)
-20mm FET driver from RMM
-multi-coated lens from kai domain
Here's the lens from Kai Domain. Not sure if it's AR, but you can tell it's coated with something. Description said multi-coated.
I found a plastic piece from an old switch and used it to fill the gap between the reflector and emitter. It also puts pressure on the wires and keeps the board against the shelf, but doesn't affect the gap or focus.
My beamshots aren't great. It started to rain, so I didn't get much time to set things up. The Jacob was pulling 4.3A at the tail, Convoy C8 is 4.05A, and the JM26 is 3.8A. The C8 and JM26 are both domed.
Convoy C8.
Shadow JM26.
Jacob A60.
This was a fun project and a great learning experience for me as I am still new to this hobby. With several threads going around now about a GB on a thrower, I would certainly NOT recommend something similar in reflector size to the Jacob.
How big is the A60 reflector? I think your recovery from the previous mods is outstanding… It now looks like it will handily out throw your other two lights. I have been really enjoying the XPL HI in every light I have put it into…
Great job! By the way, Budget Light Forum apparently is not about budget lights as much as it is warning you to start a budget FOR lights… “Honey, what are all these charges at the bank for?” , “Well darling, they are FOR, UM… Budget Lights!”
All three of yours are still less than a fancy Surefire though….
Thanks for the comments. I took some wall shots, but I think they look too washed out. I’ll try again on low and see if they look any better. I believe the reflector size was somewhere around 50mm diameter by ~45mm deep. The JM26 reflector is slightly bigger in diameter, but even with an older style domed emitter it’s not far behind the Jacob. I have a dedomed XM-L2 U4 that is currently doing nothing, and I think if I swapped out the old emitter with the U4 it would overtake the Jacob. Just my opinion, but it seems the A60 reflector diameter/depth combo was meant for smaller LEDs which is why I wouldn’t want something similar for a GB.
Wall shot isn't that great. Pretty much a bright hotspot right into a low light flood. Also added a blue paracord lanyard to match the blue switch boot :-D
Can you explain your thoughts/feelings on this a little more?
I happen to think that an A60 sized reflector would be great. Exact geometry should change to accommodate new emitters (along with a switch to Aluminum), but overall, ~50mm is that largest size that you could ever consider “semi-compact” or “pocketable”. Slightly shallower may work to but really I think the dimensions are close to ideal for this particular POU category.
I think it was more of the diameter/depth combination that just make this reflector extremely difficult to focus. Yes, I think ~50mm is a great size for a small thrower. Just something about this particular one…heck, it’s probably just me and my lack of experience.
ohaya, KD doesn’t carry that reflector any longer which is why I purchased one from a member on BLF.