January is International Modding Month

Yeah November was national modding month

Now it's gone worldwide

What are you waiting on and what are you planning on building ?

What did I do now. ;)

As for myself I may try jamming one of my triple XM-L boards under a Mag LED reflector in a 3D maglite. That along with finishing up my triple XM-L P60 light.

Where did you quote that from scaru? =O

Just kidding. :P

Oh you know, you did a triple, I want to do some quads.. who knows.

I’m waiting on a nw xp-g r5 and driver/7135’s to sort out my trustfire t2 Christmas present. Oh, and I want to order a nichia 3up 20mm board, optic, and a lot more 7135’s for the same light, because johnnymac is a bad influence…… :bigsmile:

I have a couple of give away lights to stick drivers in tomorrow, and I’m waiting on some pots to hopefully get my zy-t08 over 3a on decent cells.

I hate modding…

All I know is if you do a quad I'm gonna jam 5 of them on there. To hell with optics. :evil: The P60 arms race of 2012.

scheduled some cheap fun-modding!:

waiting on a red xpc-led on 16mm board from intl.outdoor and a Small Sun zy-A29 (petite AA zoomie) from manafont. Hope they blend well as the little red pencil thrower! Haven't figured out a use for that yet .

Minimag AA 12 x XML2?

Hey Scaru, how about a modest 25mm quad XML for the quad Carclo and Khathod optics? That’s something I could work with. Hmm, 4x 18350 and one of my high voltage 7135 drivers.

Where do you put your hand?

I doubt you can fit more than 7. :( What a wimpy little light with only 7 of them.

In the asbestos glove…

Not quite a led torch, but i would really love to build a led light bar for my car with ~20 fully driven XM-L U2/U3’s pushing out hopefully around 18k lumens, should be a fun ground up assignment, as it will produce a LOT of heat :slight_smile: