Oh. I didn’t see that. After that information I don’t know. :disappointed:
Maybe Jaxman explain it or I will find out when I get it. I don’t mind really because I have 3 unused Carlco lens at home and some S2+ lens too.
Just a thought, but I am reasonably confident that RMM might be who Jaxman is referring to in the OP as talked with a BLFer and DHL etc.
So these hosts would then be U.S. available… We’ll know for certain quickly,
Please remove the picture of my order from the OP. I thought that it was an available option base on the following post made by you (Post 75 in your other thread about this light):
(perhaps if someone else asks as well?)
Jaxman, could you please remove the picture with the order in the first post, it is generally regarded as breaking in on someone’s privacy if you publicly show someone’s real name.
Just curious, what in that “picture” identifies it as your order ImA4Wheeler?
Granted my eyes are not as good as they once were, and I am probably missing it; but I don’t see anything. Help an older man out….
Beats me if there is any identifying info in it or if it has any info that can be used to figure out if it belongs to me. Whether it does or doesn't, I prefer it not be posted.
I am glad my order prompted him to make hosts available, but I am very unhappy that he is reluctant to fulfill my order. To help him not get heat with Ali for not fulfilling it (shipping deadline was at hand), I submitted a cancel order request which was promptly approved by him.
OK I didn’t miss anything then, my bad.
I was just wondering why you thought it was your order… cause I could not see anything that identified anyone.
For all I knew it was my order.
I can clearly see that it is my order. I placed it and it ties to my order in every respect. So I can identify that it was from me. Whether others can or not, I haven't the faintest clue.
I read it wrong btw, I thought that the name in that picture was yours IA4W, but it is the name from the jaxman guy answering your request. That makes it less of a problem IMO, but still what you write to a vendor is between the two of you and should in principle not be made public.
If anyone wants to sell me 1 host (I don’t need two), let me know.
Hey, Jaxman, feel free to use a screenshot of my order as the “for example” picture in your original post, if you decide to edit it.
Here it is:
If you hilight this response in your browser then “view source” you’ll see the URL for the screenshot.
I to am glad he made hosts available. I hope in time he will make others available on a regular basis.
And in saying what I am about to say now, I am not trying to be an A-hole & it is not aimed directly at you either.
But as far as I know Jaxman is a small operation that, in my opinion makes a very good light. That is opinion based on the 5 Jaxman lights that I now own.
I am most assured he has a standard way of doing things and assembling the lights they offer for sale that works for them.
To deviate from their standard takes time, and time is money.
Deviation can also cause confusion, and for whatever reason; that is just how it is. And that applies to more than just flashlights. Think on a larger scale assembly line production…… it is standardized. The workers know exactly what parts they are installing each and every day. To deviate would cause mass confusion.
Think of Jaxman as a smaller version of assembly line production. They offer certain production lights for sale that probably at least 99% of the buyers are happy with just as they are.
Deviation can & will cause confusion. Add the language barrier in there also and things are only exasperated.
Cause I personally do not speak any Chinese at all. Jaxman, to his credit; at least does speak some English.
What he could do, IF he every chose to; is create a “Custom Shop” where anyone who wanted a light that was outside of their standard production lights could order it and pay up front.
He could offer a choice of different components… drivers, LED’s, color, etc., etc… He could have one person assembling the Custom Orders as needed and charge for the service. Parts, labor, time, etc…… just like many other businesses do. Mountain Electronics, Rock River Arms, & Smith & Wesson……… just to name a very few.
That way, IF he chose to do it; it could be profitable for him & hopefully worth his time to do it.
There is no way Jaxman, or anyone else who is a manufacturer; can cater to the requests of individuals who want a change in the standard production offerings and still remain profitable without going the Custom Shop route.
No one else can identify anything about you on what is posted and the only way anyone might even think it is/was yours is that for whatever reason you told us it was. Or at least you thought it was.
It is evident you are PO’d… but why not give it a rest.
Good Grief Squared. Pick on someone susceptible to your BS.
The only BS that is on this thread my friend is coming straight from you. You are sounding like a whiny little girl. That is not meant to be rude, just informative. Take it or leave it…………
First, remember this is China and they have no concept of privacy or rights, but with that said regardless that is not right to even show someones order, nothing else matters.
ImA4Wheelr I can PM you his direct email address and he’s generally very responsive to his email… matter of fact you don’t need to answer friend, watch for incoming PM…
Sad to see that… personally ticks me off.
T18, please refer him to this: JAXMAN E2L hosts are available now - #31 by hank
Basically I think Im4whlr doesn’t appreciate being used as an example by a vendor, just wrong explanation of why he wants it down, I don’t really blame him, if I recognized my order I wouldn’t be to happy to be used as an rather negative example of what Jaxman does or doesn’t like, just my thought, I’m not trying to put words in anyone’s mouth, and I know Jaxman will never sit down and read any of these posts… so wasting time.
Glad I didn’t buy the complete E2L.
Thank you Jaxman for offering these lights as DIY hosts for the BLFers.
I really can't get excited enough to reply to all your posts. I did reply to your first few. I will ask you to please refrain from personal attacks. I think it's an insult to whiny little girls the world over to be compared to me.