I own a Jetbeam BC 20 and I love it, it is of great quality and outputs a hell of a lot of light nice and evenly with it’s orange peel reflector. My only problem is that it doesn’t get as much use as it should because I don’t want to buy more cr123a batteries. Does anyone know if there are any alternatives to this, I know that rechargeable cr123a’s exsist but can they be used by the Jetbeam BC 20?
I figured I would ask before I spend any money on getting more cr123a batteries.
Saint Jimmy90
There are two options. First, you could run a 16650. I read that this fits in it without a loss of brightness. This will charge in a normal lion charger.
a 16650 battery you say? And you are sure this won’t fry it? I like that it can be charged in say an Xtar wp2? It’s good that it loses no brightness because that thing is the most compact power house of light I own
This is the best news I have heard all day I will be buying a 16650 cells as soon as I can, thanks heaps man the price of cr123a cells plus shipping to australia is too much, and if you buy them from stores here they hit around the $12 mark per cell. Besides rechargeables are so much easier too
Not yet, but I will need to wait a few days for money to process into paypal anyhow, so it gives me plenty of time to hunt around for a good price and quality battery, if you could recommend one that is both I would greatly appreciate it though
Very nice, but if it’s not protected will the Jetbeam cut off at a certain voltage or will it just keep taking charge until the cell dies? Are unprotected cells a guessing game of sorts, as in do you simply guess when the need charging and hope they haven’t dropped too far because if they have they will not recharge? I don’t really use my unprotected cells on full cycles, I just recharge them after every use so i’m not sure if they give some kind of notification that they need charging… Noob questions, I was hoping I wouldn’t have t ask too many more of them
I don't mind the questions. I'm not sure about that flashlight but I am guessing it has a buck circuit so once the battery voltage hits 3 volts the light will turn off. In general it is a good idea to recharge it periodically. Do you have a multimeter? If not I would suggest getting one.
My dad has one but the stupid thing will only give tailcap readings, it refuses to read battery voltage, so I need to get a new one, I just need to have $20 spare to go and get a cheap one