I bought this one, and also made me an S2+ with the 3535 UV LED from LED4POWER ( I think ?) and a ZWB2 glass.
I’ll make pics when my Jetbeam shows up to show the difference.
Maybe I should have bought another UV LED from known source and put it in a BLF 348 instead of impulse buying the Jetbeam…
Are there any decent AA nichia on the market approximately same price as convoy S2 uv?? if not why no manufacturer fill the gap…i’m sure few people would want!!
Forgot about that one (link does not work btw), it has the good filter but the led is weaker than the Nichia 276A that Convoy uses (but can be upgraded of course )
Is it possible put forward to the man “Mr Convoy” to make/produce AA nichia version for us BLF?? how does work and why hasn’t he done it yet?? mmm?? As stated by Mr djozz and Mr Nicolicous other UV expensive and ‘…out of date’ so clearly there a hole and $$$ to be made but no one willing fill??
By time i order zwb2 for 348-uv or for jetbeam-uv dam thing cost more then s2-nichia, so went back GB got another S2-nichia (especially now that they got them on special again) But cant wait for nitcore tube uv as the emitter same as MH27UV? or just another waste of money!!
Still waiting for jetbean uv from GB (man mine is pre-oder, still not here yet!! how you get your so fast?? ) but going by your pics think convoy way better…more distinct especially with red eg like #5 post by ‘djozz’ pics. Can’t wait for my tube-uv as well to compare with jet-uv, got a feeling tube might have the edge…bc stumble on statement that use same emitter as their bigger more expensive MH27UV…guess i just have to wait and see.
All you really need are the Nichia UV emitters, and your choice of stars (12mm, 16mm, 20mm), and you can mod your own. Throw a 16 in any P90 drop-in, a 20 in a C8, etc., and you got your choice. Of course, pull as many 7135s as needed to keep from frying them, because I kinda doubt you can push 2.8A through them.