Has anyone disassembled/modded a Jetbeam RRT-15 (or any of the other variants)? I know that an emitter swap can be done on this light, but does the rotary ring connect to the driver in a way which precludes replacing it?
It seems that nobody tried to open the driver side of a RRT-15. I do not have one but , I think that is not a magnetic ring , more an limited movement encoder , attached to the driver , as a dedicated plate.For continuous ramping , as this light has , can be used 2 methods :
Potentiometer (unlikely) , due to the limited life of this component , or an encoder , connected mechanically to the ring...
As I've seen in some pictures of this light , (the driver side ), it looks that it has few screws , that could give the access to the internals.
If you really want to mode this light (driver mod) ,you'll have to find the courage to proceed in opening it.., make pictures and aligned signs to all the parts you'll take out , in order to be able to mount them back , in reverse order... I'm pretty sure that the driver and the encoder are on separate plates , so a driver mode can be possible.
So , first step is yours , once you're inside , a lot of people here will be glad to help you , with the driver mod.., the ball is in your yard , now !
Thanks for replying. I call it a “magnetic ring” as that is what Jetbeam refer to it as in their marketing material. If it is not an encoder, as you say, do you think that means it will be harder to mod? I appreciate you haven’t opened one, but almost everyone on this forum will have more experience than me.
There’s a good chance I wouldn’t bother replacing the driver; just the emitter, but I’m trying to gather as much info as I can without yet owning one.
I have a RRT-21 and a RRT02, and I have opened both; very dificult to open without damage the anodized surface, you have to use a protection for the surface and a grip pliers.
Yes, it is a magnetic ring, and it is not connected to the driver. Using the right strenght and tools, the front of the head (containing lens and reflector) can be unscrewed of the base of the head (containing the led seat and the driver).
Thanks for that. So if the magnetic control ring is not connected, then something on the driver is responding to it, right? For someone new to modding lights, I’m guessing replacing the driver for this wouldn’t be a ‘beginner’s task’?