Jetbeam T6 *Banggood did again!

Edit: banggood replied my email and they will refund the difference with a discount in that order, very good! :+1: :heart_eyes:

Hi guys its me again :smiley:

So, I placed an order of this light and I’ve reading the post in cpf the review of this thing and something worried me :weary:

It more about one thing, first of them they told that reflector is not made of metal……It’s plastic? :open_mouth: This thing is durable? :cry:

Some users feel surprised about this light because jetbeam dont make good products (if I understand well), so thats true? :confounded:

And another one, that thing do not work with unprotected cells?

I was surprised that thing dont have low voltage cut-off, my S70 costs under half the price and have this feature :person_facepalming:

So guys, help me with this questions, I paid R$420 in that, it’s need to be reliable and a very good buy :wink:

Thanks :+1:

Don’t worry about the reflector, worry about the price:
Use coupon BLF

WOW, this price is killer :open_mouth:

Kaidomain is trustworthy?

I haven’t purchased anything from them in a few years. That said, I’ve never had a problem with them. Use Paypal if you can.

Do you think paypal is safe even in defective product?

It’s alway a gamble when you’re not dealing with local dealers when it comes to defective items. Paypal will protect you if you don’t receive your flashlight. That said, you may have to send back a defective flashlight at your cost which is why I never buy anything expensive from overseas. I’d rather pay a little more and buy from a US authorized dealer knowing I’ll be taken care of if I end up with something defective.

I agree, but here its very different, is very hard to find this products and if has…… Over 5x~10x the price :person_facepalming:

Its very common brazilians travel to buy in USA even U$1=R$3,50

Banggood revels suprisiling fast and grateful when I had a problem, their shipping is outstanding too, at least two packets arrived in brazil with 4 days :open_mouth:

Thats the reason why I preffer banggood, but in this amount the price, I dont know if worth it :cry:

So, about the batteries, this thing works with unprotected?

Other premium flashlight manufacturers use plastic reflectors, nothing to worry about. You will need to use protected batteries or spacers with unprotected. Unprotected are too short.

Thanks Southland, I thought the plastic reflector where very weak and may peeling the chrome :zipper_mouth_face:

Good to know about the spacers, do you think some solders blobs can solve that?

I prefer aluminum reflectors but have not heard of any plastic ones peeling. Solder blobs should work if you can get them tall enough. I have also used coins and magnets.

Thanks, it helps alot :+1:

Do you have the t6, right? Any complains about that light?

The beam in max distance discribed is weak? And about the amount of lumens, its real?

Have it, no complaints, a little better output than a TK75 or BTU Shocker. Reason I bought is I think I paid $91 shipped, not as good as the KD deal but still cheap. Think the Nitecore TM16GT is the best in this style light right now but higher cost.

I don’t think you’ll have any problems with the light. May have to buy some button top batteries. I would purchase one if I could afford it

Always research a light before buying. A cheap light $15-20 can take a chance on but 50-100+ read all the reviews you can

I thought I got a pretty decent deal when I paid $92 for mine. I like the light a lot. Decided not to mod it other then lapping the pill/mcpcb and getting rid of the resistance caused by the too long a battery compartment and springs. The springs in the pic below are just to lock out the light when I loosen the tail cap. Oh, and to tell what direction the cells go. The pressure of the tail cap pushes the cells against the copper tubes that are now soldered to the driver. The tail cap now just has a solid copper disk to connect all the cell. Sorry, didn't take a picture of that, but can if someone needs it. The second picture is where the cells sit without the springs in place.

Lapping should be done to all high output lights. Hardly any manufactures do though. Doesn't take much time to just remove the oxidation off and make sure they are flat.

Plastic reflectors don't concern me. Many high-end light use them and I haven't noticed any issues with them. Aluminum or plastic, they all have very delicate finishes.

EDIT: fixed multiple typos

I agree with this. Many high quality lights use plastic with no issue. I don’t know which is technically better, but I wouldn’t be worried.

Either way they need to be handled very carefully if you open the light. I’m to the stage in my flashaholism that reflector smudges bother me more and more, so I’ve taken to wearing gloves whenever opening a head, and storing reflectors in ziploc bags until I am ready to re-install.

Speed, I totally agree with you, the problem was I wanted to buy the tn40s and got frustaded by price and shipping which dknt send here (in thrunite site tells this, but hkequipment occour an stupid error :person_facepalming: ). So, I placed the order in t6 without reading well and searchjng for prices :smiley:

ImA4wheelr, thats original springs? Its very big :open_mouth:

Pilot, good to see about the reflector, I noy worried about this anymore :smiley:

I trying to get more discount in banggood, I will check the emails tomorrow and hope that filled with good news :heart_eyes:

I am sure freeme has a coupon for T6 on CPF about 110$

I used a coupon which Martin gives, the price drop alot…… Without his coupon, the price jumps to R$585 :cry:

The U$81.5 of kaidomain still killer promotion