Just A Little Machine Work! Updated!

I did this video a few weeks back and thought it was time to see if you guys would indulge me one more time!

Enjoy! Dan..



I had several folks want to see the software process for adding the Texas engraving to the Mini-Mag.... so here is a video link of how I did this in the software. Enjoy! Dan.


Very cool . Thanks for sharing .

very cool indeed! I thought of many designs I would like :slight_smile:

do you have an online store?

Fine work there. I need to ship you a light or two to get some fancy work like that done. Awesome Job! Keep it up. Oh, and thanks for the vid link.

Nice work !

Nice work, even better the Texas state outline. :slight_smile:

Thank you for indulging us.

Thanks for the nice video, I enjoyed that!

Thats some nice 4th axis stuff right there.

Thanks everyone! I enjoy making the videos when I can.


Beautiful work, what a fantastic machine! I’ve spent the entire afternoon making essentially 1 pill. That little light sure does look good too! I have it right in front of me to enjoy daily, even though I don’t have the cells for it yet. :slight_smile: (quit playing with the 10250’s, didn’t want to kill em)

Thanks again Dan, amazing work!

Excellent Dan, as always!

…but then again I like seeing metal filings accumulate.

Thanks Dan. That is one orsm machine. My hats of to the programmer. That is one really smart looking Turtle. Do you think that you could do a Moose?

Thanks Guys! I appreciate the comments.

@ OL... Coming from you, my head swelled! You can do that by hand... I gotta have help!!

@MRsDNF... Moose or Mouse? Ha! The little outlines are easy so about anything can be done as long as there is room.

@DBCstm... Thought you might recognize that! Thanks for the opportunity. Tongue Out

Thanks again. Dan.

Saypat, sorry I missed this earlier. Oddly, I seldom advertise my lights and I have never built a website for them. It is all word of mouth. I am blessed!!!... or cursed! Ha!

Frankly, I'm at a crossroads with lights right now. Trying to decide if to just keep doing, what I am, quit, or get BIG. Surprised If you need or want something in particular, just drop me a PM.

Many Thanks. Dan.

that’s really cool, must be fun to have access to a machine like that! How did you program the shape? Get the co-ordinates of the shape and then drape it over the cylinder in a CAD program?

Hi Matt,

Although it looks nice...and complicated, this is absolutely the easiest thing you can do in CAD /CAM.

I used Rhino for the CAD. Rhino has a feature that allows you to open what is called a background bitmap. That made it easy to just take an image of Texas and use the curve command to outline it...then adjust it so it has all the kinks of the rivers in it. So now I have a vector file of the shape. I get rid (close) the background bitmap and save the file as a .ai. format. While in Rhino, I draw a solids file the diameter and length that I want to machine on. I save that as an STL file so the CAM program can "See" the surface.

In the CAM program... in this case DeskProto, I open the STL, then the .ai file and 3 clicks later my Texas vector is wrapped on the .STL file. Now, I can move it around wherever I want it.... in X & Y to set it up like I want it to cut. In this case, I did a pair but could have done 1 or any number. Then I establish the tool paths, convert that to code, set the mill up, feed it the code and you see the result.

The more complicated is when I add a police badge, dog, boat, car, .... whatever the customer wants ...not just an outline, but is 2-1/2 D... or what some would call 3D.... where it is in full relief. I just did one with a full 3D lizard wrapped around the body and head of the light. The rascal was complete with eyeballs & toenails! There was actually space between his belly and the light body like he was standing and of course a little rock or two. Rhino & DeskProto won't do that one. That takes a little in-expensive $7,500.00 piece of software. Money Mouth ... and about 15 hours just in CAD. It took about 3 hours to cut. Makes slots, Texas & etc. pretty danged simple! Yeah, it's fun! Ha!

I might do a video of the software process if there is interest. Thanks for the question. Dan.

Yes please.

Can you map a bitmap 2D sketch or signature easily?