Just bought a HD2010 then realise the pictures doesn't have logo

Hi, my first post here.

Purchased a HD2010 from tmart yesterday, and later realised that the pictures does not show any logo on the body.


I’m wondering if anyone received it with logo?

Also, where to get reliable 26650? Thanks in advance.

based on the shots in the HD2010 Review it will have the logo (note, review links to the same item). Many of the lights on Tmart show pics without logos, but they come with them when they arrive.

EDIT: BTW, I ordered one (as did many others), so I can update you when it comes in (ordered two days ago, hasn’t shipped yet).

Welcome to the forum.
From what I’ve seen, people get them both with and without. Tmart also has another one listed from the international warehouse that I believe is listed as TangsFire. KumaBear sells very good 26650s if you are in the US. Or if you are looking for something a little more on the budget side, TrustFires are pretty good. Right now FastTech has the best prices that I know of on those.
Will post links if needed.

I ordered one a few months ago that came with no logo. Sent it back because it was defective. The replacement they sent does have the Ultrafire logo and works fine so far.

Thanks for all your replies. I hope mine comes with logo and is not defective!

Can’t wait to see how far this can throw.

What was wrong with it?

I have received mine a few days ago, without logo, from Tmart.
It works Ok.

I have search for the TrustFires and come across this

Before I commit to buying, I wish to confirm that these 26650s from FastTech would work on HD2010. Do they?

How about King Kong’s

It appears that there are Raised Top, and Flat Top. Which one would work on HD2010?

Thanks all for your input.

I have both in raised top versions and they work in the HD2010. If anything, the extra length should help.

After a few days it started flickering and occasionally wouldn’t turn on. Would also skip modes. I cleaned everything and it continued doing the same thing.

My Tmart HD2010 was defective, too. I ended up selling the host and only got $5 back from Tmart—and that after a no-reply on the first email. I’d be weary of HDs from them. Lightscastle may indeed be the way to go.

Thanks for the host! :)

The HD2010s I’ve seen have positive springs, so either would be fine. I ordered those exact ones from FastTech, they are good for the money.

Thanks! Just informed FastTech of my decision and gave them some money. Hope they arrive soon! :slight_smile:

Wrong forum?

I bought 2 TMART no-logo 2010's (gifted one), and I got friends that bought another 4-5 TMART no-logo versions, all without a problem. They all love the light. They are all using 18650's, I'm using KumaBear 26650 KK's and mod'ed with U3 1C and 4.1A driver. Mine hasn't gotten much stress, so no problem w/batteries, though of course my driver spring is changed somewhat better.

Intriguing… and how improved is the throw with this mod??? :wink:

Well, wish I knew... Didn't have a light meter at the time, and though I got one now, still experimenting with lux/kcd measurements. I could try to borrow a stock HD 2010 and compare them now, would be interesting... It's a crazy output light, but wondering if the direct drive old driver at 4+A or even 5A could compare to my regulated 4.1A now. It can't compete with my 3.9A 7G9 - that's a throw beast.

Oh - I put in a brass pill, press fit into the large HD 2010 aluminum pill, and put in 5 5/8" 18 gauge copper discs, soldered together, then thermal epoxied in there!

well, i randomly chanced upon this HD2010 which has 3 LEDs!!

anyone can confirm this is a fake or clone or anything?


well, i randomly chanced upon this HD2010 which has 3 LEDs!! anyone can confirm this is a fake or clone or anything? http://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/LED-Flashlight-UltraFire-HD2010-4000LM-5-Mode-Free-Shipping/612118_662687769.html

These flashlights have poor heatsinking.