just followed a link to cutter....

Ok, so I found their 6up/7up xg-g2 40mm board and optics. Now, if I’m not mistaken, a mag head is 50mm ish, so this would fit,

It’d need a heatsink that fills up the head and necks down into the body, and this driver


Looks like it’d seriously over drive those poor tortured little emitters.

Am I spending far to much time here?
Did I mention dads got a lathe?
Oh dear….

where is this alleged link to cutter?

Give us a minute….


The top 6ups are xm-l, lower down are xp-g2.

Here’s the optics, lots of options so I’ll just link the first one.




Oh, I’m not sure how good that driver is, just looked for what was quick to find in my bookmarks.

That looks BA. I wish I wasn’t such tight wad or I’d bag one.

I’m not flush, and postage would probably be a killer for me, as well as import duty……but it’s certainly tempting for my 3d Maglite, I’ve got an xm-l and 2.8a driver I was going to go two 26650’s in a battery holder but perhaps 3 32600’s and this bad boy would be more fun and less run of the mill.

If your going to carry such a big torch, it may as well be worthwhile. On a side note, can xp-g optics be run with xm-l or are they too small?

Nope, not stock. I'm using them on my triple XM-L drop ins though, you need to either open up the ID of the optics or de-dome the XM-Ls.

I didn’t think so. Poop on that then, xp-g2’s are cheaper anyway. :bigsmile: