This stems from another “hobby” of mine…wet shaving.
I figured out that I could get a good shave everyday for $2.40 a year.
I spend more than that because it’s a hobby of sorts. Actually, I probably won’t spend any more than I already have but since I have straight razors, double edged razors, hones I’ve spent more.
It’s like flashlights in way however. You spend a bit to see what you like but then you may move on to other interests but you’ve now found out what flashlights you like.
I figured that buying the basics for double edge shaving and figuring the useful life at 10 years (razors actually last much longer) that it works out to $2.40/year.
How much do you figure you spend shaving a year?
By the way, I now enjoy shaving which was certainly never the case before.
I’m not that thick bearded, but yea I never got the idea of using foam myself like some of my friends and family. Also I tend to shave at once every 2 weeks. Some months I go without saving just to grow a beard. you can save like 2-4 dollars a year. On razors that’s where they get the money back on those disposables. I’d say spend up to 20-30 bucks a year. 2 bottles of shaving cream & a pack of 8-12 disposables.
I have used a razor maybe less than 10 times in all my shaving life, always have used electric razors, specially Panasonics! Love the simplicity and speed of use.
Ha! Finally a coversation where I’m the connoisseur instead of the rank novice. Shaving is really an art… or at least there are many who think so. I use a Merkur Progress double edge safety razor, Personna Platinum blades, and Tea Tree Oil soap. I spend maybe $10/year on a couple of bars of soap and maybe $5-10 on blades. The razor was $70 a few years ago, but it will probably last the rest of my life.