Just paid off the last of my flashlight "debt"... what now?

I just paid off what I owe from the last recent buying spree at the beginning of August with my last light sale.

Now what?

I only ask because I never stay debt free when it comes to flash lights :stuck_out_tongue:

Donā€™t get me wrong - I never carry a balance on credit cards, always pay off at the end of the monthā€¦ but that doesnt stop me from giving myself a ā€œpersonalā€ line of credit which I pay back to my savings account with sales, work overtime, extra side jobs etc :slight_smile:

the new dgq triple xpg2 looks interestingā€¦. hmmm

Now you can start paying off my mortgage and credit cards.

Buy a damn camera you cheap ass! LOL! :wink:


instead of going into flashlight debt why not go into flashlight surplus, not buying a light till you have saved up for it so your light is already paid for without any catch up requirement

No, flashlights need mustard.


Chopped blurple 26650 mag? Lol


I donā€™t buy a light unless I already have the moneyā€¦ And itā€™s not destined for some other debt/bill.

Good rule to follow in life, especially for frivolous purchases.

+1 Those lux values are worth nothing without some decent pictures to prove them! ;)

Get one with manual settings..

I never owned a credit card. I pay up front to use my girlfriendā€™s. Just bought a C108 which will be my final flashlight purchase. I mean it this time. :stuck_out_tongue:


actually bad news

the tk41 i scored for $65 and sent to vinh to be modded was damaged badly when he tried to open the head in a vice

stupid locktite

it was so bad he insisted on refunding me in full for the price of the light and the modā€¦ he is really a great guy

so now i have $120 and 16 eneloops and no flash light LOL

this is an incomplete statement, you neglected to add a time component

Fantastic service!

Although, dont blame the locktite, blame Fenix!

As one guy said on here, ā€œpictures or it never happened.ā€

I like that saying.

If your gonna talk about it, show us some damn pictures at least every now and then.

Let me see if I can find you one like mine that is all youā€™ll ever need. And they are cheap as cheap can get now.

Are you implying I canā€™t stop this addiction?

Make this your next purchase so we can see what the Deft-X actually does. I can even give you my camera setings that works well on 100yds and further shots.


I could say yes, but i am just looking for a completed statement :wink:

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