The UF T20…can you operate the zoomie part with only one hand?
Yes, but I’d prefer to use two hands, the body is just painted and has no knurling at all.
Depends on if you get a tight one or loose one. For the most part if you have reasonably strong hands, one handed operation isn’t a problem as most are looser rather than tighter.
I’m talking T20 flashlights here kids.
If you want a UF-T20 get them now because they have been replaced by the UF-1505.
I just got the UF-1405 zoomie, purported 1200 lumens.
UGH. It’s a piece of crap. Maybe 100 lumens. I have
$9 zoomies, ex. the Cree XML-T6, that is way better.
Oh, well, glad to have fed a brother and his family in China
for a week.
Actually in flood it’ll do around 500 lumens stock. Don’t give up on it, I’ve built a 1405 doing 2500 lumens, and others that push 470kcd. It’s a light with potential.
Well, I compared it to my 4Sevens 180 lumen one, ON flood, but it didn’t come up to even that one.
Give me $39 shipped for it?
One, the 1405 should be brighter. Two, you will never get $39 for it because it’s cheaper than that new. Take the pill out and send it to one of us and we can turn it into a monster.
… and what might that cost??
Was kidding mostly about selling it for $39…though that’s about what I paid for it shipped.
(yes, everyone was bragging on it so much, what great throw it had, etc. so I bought it. Something’s def’ly wrong with it.)
Do you have a multimeter?
Ehhh, I did, but it’s broken.
Could my batts be the problem? I’m using cheap 4000mAh from Chinee, but they work great in my other lights. Have ordered some Panasonic, so will see how they do in it.
How do you consider that SMALL?! It is Over 5.33” The KING?! I am sorry those batteries are junk, potentially unsafe and the capacity is not even close to what they advertize,the charger is not any better!
I have a Sipik I got about 3 years ago. It is 3.5” long,just got it modded w/ an XPG2. Now its~650 Lumens and 80Kcd!
PLEASE do yourself a favor and don’t fall for that junk! I understand,my first 6 months at this I bought similar items before I spent more money on authentic, durable and great performing torches.
That could definitely be the problem. No way to really know. A multimeter would help in measuring tail cap current
Why is that interesting? I said the same thing in that thread. That info came directly from Uniquefire.
N10 or Wolf, 1) Are these top quality batts? (2) I don’t know what the CH after the 18650 means)
3) I thought Pan’s were green.
“4 Panasonic CGR18650CH 18650 2250mAh 3.7v Rechargeable Button Top Batteries”
I see in your other thread you have 1405 and the T20. 4) Does YOUR 1405 throw twice the distance or what, as your T20. Thanks man.
I wish the UF-1505 could tail stand.

I wish the UF-1505 could tail stand.
I don’t have one in front of me, but I am pretty sure if you disassemble the tail cap you can change that. Take the switch out, and then take the rubber boot. There is a nub inside of the rubber boot that contacts the switch. If you cut that nub down, it will probably tail stand afterward.

N10 or Wolf, 1) Are these top quality batts? (2) I don’t know what the CH after the 18650 means)
3) I thought Pan’s were green.
“4 Panasonic CGR18650CH 18650 2250mAh 3.7v Rechargeable Button Top Batteries”
I see in your other thread you have 1405 and the T20. 4) Does YOUR 1405 throw twice the distance or what, as your T20. Thanks man.
The CGR18650CH is an older panasonic cell. Yes they are gray and they are a good cell. No offense, but you seem fairly new to some of the flashlight stuff. My recommendation to you is a protected battery. There is no need for a high drain battery if you are running stock drivers. A kind of best of both worlds is a LG MH1 series battery. Great run time, good high discharge current, and protected. They will support you when you start using some higher drain flashlights. Yes they are a little more expensive, but it’s new cell technology and will last you for a long time.
Yep, I’m fairly new TO BATTERIES.
Thanks, I’ll check out those LG Pan’s.