Hey all. Long time lurker, first time poster. I’m just a casual user with very few lights, and am hoping you can help me out with my first problem…
I received a Klarus G35 a month ago and some Thrunite 3400mah batteries to go with it. Waited until dark, fired it up and thought “hmmm, that’s not as bright and it doesn’t throw as far as the videos I’ve seen”. Figured it was light pollution/haze/dust etc. and kept playing around with it. After a few days I recharged the batteries, and two were still full at 4.2v, and one was at 3.19v, the exact opposite of what I was expecting from everything I’d read about the light.
So I took some Samsung 30q out of a BLF Q8, charged them up and used them in the G35 for a few days and the same result…2 were still fully charged, and one was below 4v.
So it looks like it’s just running on the single backup battery, even though the others are at full charge (although I failed to check exactly which battery came from which slot, my bad). Any idea how this could happen? Or what else I could check?
Thanks for any insight you can provide.
I tested mine again just now and at the beginning I had 2 cells at 4.13V and one at 4.17V. The higher one is the one that seems to be isolated, it falls between the two posts of the tail cap and has the red battery placement indicator inside the slot. After running it on Turbo for several minutes I checked the cells again… the two lower ones had dropped to 4.07V and the isolated one remained at 4.17V. I ran it long enough to get it pretty hot.
Why yours would have opposite results is puzzling. Can you leave out that single cell and try it? Or try it on the single cell? Does it seem to work either way or work the same either way?
Mine will work with only one cell, the one that fits between the two holes (the locator pin holes to match the tailcap) but it does nothing with only the other 2 cells installed.
Thanks for checking yours DB. I tried all of the different battery combos also, with the same results as you. Did you notice if it was any brighter with all three batts installed vs just the one? The apparent brightness seems identical with mine, but without a meter it’s hard to tell for sure.
I just received a dozen 30q button tops from Liion, so I might as well give them a try and remove batteries as a variable. Might just have to see what Banggood’s return policy is like, although I tossed all of the packaging weeks ago.
I’m using Sony VTC5A with a copper button soldered on top.
Will check on the lightbox and see what output differences there may be…. brb
Charged the batteries up to 4.20V, with a single cell it makes 1348.95 lumens and with all three cells it makes 1959.60 lumens.
Thanks again for checking on all of this Dale. Now color me confused, I just ran it for a bit with the button top 30q’s and it worked as it’s supposed to, with the 2 batts drained and the third still full.

Hmmm. Maybe I’ll try the Thrunite batts again and see what happens with them now.
Heh, now I’m questioning my sanity. Same result with the Thrunite batteries as the 30q’s…everything is working correctly and exactly as advertised. For 3 weeks I’ve worried over this because the battery discharge levels were very odd, and when I finally start a post about it all is now well with the world. It sure didn’t make sense to me before, and it makes even less now, but if it’s working it’s working and I’d better just enjoy it.
Thanks again Dale!
Dude, I know exactly how that goes! 
No prob, glad to have fixed your issue. LOL
Just received my TA lumen tube today, and was messing around and doing a quick check with all my lights I thought the G35 seemed pretty low at 1285. Came back here to check DB’s numbers, put the batteries on the charger and sure enough it looks like it’s only using the single battery again.

I just hate intermittent issues. Aside from cleaning up the contacts and checking springs and screws, any ideas what could be going on here?