Klarus XT12GT

Has anybody got their hands on one of these lights yet? I know the release date is supposed to be the 25th but I was wondering if anybody got one for testing/

Klarus is claiming almost 100,000 candlepower, 1600 lumens and 600 meters of throw. That is astounding if these numbers are close or accurate.

Dimensions are similar to a C8 sized light… 45mm bezel, otherwise very similar dimensions to a thrunite Tn11s/12 or many others.

They’re not outside of the realm of possibility with the XHP35 HI. 1600 lumens with that emitter should be easy, the throw in that size reflector a little tougher, but I don’t have reason to disbelieve them.

600 meters of throw is about 90kcd. A modded C8 with XP-L HI can do 110kcd and 1,600lm. The XT12GT has 20% less throw at the same lumens, which compared to the XPL HI sounds about right.

I have one coming and plan to do a quick review, but I’m confident it will deliver the rated numbers.

1600 lumens,but how long?
Head size and battery capasity can not give enought time to enjoy it.

Interested to know how quickly this light will step down.

an XHP35 takes a little less heat and power to get 1600lumens than an XP-L would, so expect run time to be on par with any other ~1300 lumen light in this size group. As far as battery is concerned it could probably hold high output for longer because of the use of a boost driver (if heat weren’t a factor)

The problem with the max output not keeping up the stated runtime is not about the driver, or battery, or emitter, but the heat.

A high drain battery could easily supply 10A+ constant until depletion, and the driver/LED would have no problem handling the 20W or so of power if the temperature remains in the safe area, but a flashlight this size operating in a normal environment of 20-25 degree Celsius simply can’t dissipate the heat faster than the LED produces without external cooling.

I see that lately people are frequently complaining about the output drop after couple minutes in high powered lights, we must realize that this is not a technical limitation but a physical one.

Here are some examples of constant output in safe temperatures on similar size lights:
~250lm 14500, 1340 small lights.
~700lm Compact lights, tube lights, headlamps.
~1,000lm larger pocketable lights like the EC4

The the XT12GT drops to anywhere between 800-1,000lm i’m happy, that should still give at least 1hr of runtime.

Why it jump from 400 to 1600 lumens?
If head could handle constantly 800 - 900 lumens they should put such mode. To wait stepdown from 1600 to 900 lumens means loosing battery energy.

Then there is no point having an XHP35 in my opinion. May as well be using a C8 with an XM-L2 or similar.

The light has temperature control stepping it between high and turbo relative to its temperature
So when the lght is hot less output, but still a lot more than in high

still waiting for mine. Its still backordered :frowning:

Well…a C8 with a dedomed XM-L2 U4 1A out throws the XP-L HI.

Normally XM-L2 with one 18650 do not have stable 1000 lumen output. And XT-12Gt is interested as a tactical light weather Convoy C8 is not.
But with this gap between 1600 and 400 lumens it is not option for me.
May be this 1600 lumens are only first 5 to 7 minutes and after that there is a drop to 1000 in the next 25 - 35 minutes.

The same for me.I have ordered at Nov. the 16th.

I still have not so much as received an “item shipped” email yet.

I just got the Banggood email telling me I’ll have to wait. Anyone have an idea when they will have the XT12GT?

The old XT11GT V1 reached 1500 lumens, so this one could be similar. Good to see Klarus is not advertising the 2000 lumens anymore.

Today,Banggood cancelled my order with this notice.

“Thank you for your order.
We are sorry to inform you that the item(s) in your order is/are still out of stock at the moment. It may take several days for it/them to be available again”.
I had ordered the light at 11/16/2016.

My order was cancelled too……

Any news on this light? Has anyone got theirs yet?