Korean XSL

I can’t find anything on this brand of battery… anyone have any info? All I have found is 16340 on Tmart.

Probably not made in Korea, if that’s what it’s implying. :wink:

XSL is also in my UltraFire 18350’s:

These are what I was speaking of… linky

Interesting, I’ve actually heard of 온라이트 and those batteries are being sold here, but I’m still pretty sure they’re produced in China and even wrapped there.

(Although they still lie about the capacity. They should actually be half of the labled mAh.)

I need a few 16340s, and no matter which brand I look, some say their great, and some say their junk, and some just say stay away from all fire brand batteries. I don’t mind buying something like AW, but if I can get something cheaper that will do the job, I don’t mind less capacity, most of my lights are for fun, not serious work.

It says 'Made in China' right on the cell.

Yeah, I’m not sure if the fact that there’s Korean written on a cell makes it better.

Perhaps more stringent QC?

i am firmly in the whateverfire batteries being junk camp.
there comes a point where trying to save money backfires.
i have found that whateverfires are consistantly bad.
aw are consistantly good.
i see plenty of junky whateverfire cells fail early with some of the ecig guys that come into the shop.
laptop salvage cells are way better.