Just received 2 x KR4’s. Overall, excellent, I like it much better than the FW3A/4A. The KR4 is bigger but in a positive way. I also liker it better then the D4. Excellent build quality.
Absolutely my favorite pocket size light. Its perfect for me (i really prefer the tail switch) and i definitely prefer it over the d4v2 - maybe just because i owned it for 5 months before i bought a d4v2 and i got so used to the size / tail switch. I only have one (bought it the day it hit Hank’s site last summer as i was considering the fw4a), but am aiming to add a Cu/Ti version soon. i have the sst20 5000k but really want the xpl-hi 5D as some recent input form blf members pointed out some bonuses of that emitter (i was previously set on getting the sst20 4000k). I am holding out on getting my second one until i can swing the Cu/Ti version, although the matte black looks really nice too.
I remember when i first got the KR4 i didn’t like how much bigger it was than my then edc the fw3A, but now its size is perfect and my reference for all other pocketable lights. plus the little extra size somehow handles heat much better then the fw3a in my experience.